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Johnny's last WBC was 3.6, it has always been in the lower range.  His GI is concerned, but not concerned enough to lower his dose yet. 

We had a scare this November when Johnny got pneumonia and it attacked his bone marrow.  His Pediatrician did labs only because he had blood in his urine.  We were so lucky she did because his WBC dropped to a 2 and his [wiki2="Neutrophil"]neutrophil[/wiki2] count was 1.01.  I happened to get his blood test results on a Friday night and when I saw the WBC I called the GI on call at the hospital and she had me stop his meds immediately.   I don't even want to think about what would have happened if he would have continued taking his [wiki2="6-Mercaptopurine"]6mp[/wiki2] with a WBC of 2 and pneumonia.  He ended up being off his meds for 3 weeks.  I only share this story because it was very fortunate I had access to his lab results.   Because he tends to have a low WBC I would not hesitate to hold his meds in the future if he is very ill and I can't get a hold of his GI.  It is not normal for a virus to attack bone marrow but his Dr. said it does occasionally happen. 

Sorry, I don't mean to sound dramatic but I thought I had things pretty much under control and his last illness really threw me.

It might be a good idea to ask for a copy of her records and labs.  Not every week but just enough to have some of her history.  You then can know what her usual WBC runs.  It is also a good idea to have some of that with you if you go on vacation.  If you find yourself in the ER you can hand them her records, it will save a lot of time. 

So happy to hear she is feeling better, gaining and growing!!
