One of the major symptoms I get when I have an attack with what my Dr. says all signs and test point to Crohn's is when I have to go to the bathroom it burns. I mean really bad. I will actually get red rash spots from what I thing is burn irritation marks on my rear end and sometimes right at the anus. The Dr. gave me Lidocain to put on it to numb it and it helps sometimes but sometimes it does not. I thought taking pepto bismul on a daily basis helped it from buring but that has changed. My Dr. says he does not know why I would be getting the burning. I wish I had some type of acid test strip to see if this is like acid from inside doing the burning. Anyone else have this problem. Thanks for any info. I had an attack last night and really did not have alot of gut pain other than the bad burning, and today I feel like someone has hit me over and over in the gut as I am so sore. Thanks again....
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