Master cleanse for crohns?

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Apr 14, 2013
Has anyone tried the master cleanse or something similar during a bad crohns flare up? Of course without the cayenne pepper since it's spicy. I have been on an all liquid diet with a few soups here and there for the past two weeks. My flare up has been going up and down for the past two months and I'm trying to think of something that will help since some stuff I consume is still agitating my condition. Right now I am on 24 hours since I have eaten anything and I feel pretty good. What I'm doing is just drinking fluids with no gluten, no sugar, and all organic. My diet is filtered spring water, pure coconut water, and aloe juice to help healing. I'm going to stay on this for 5 days before having soups or other liquids with nutrients. I'm going to stay on the aloe juice for a month and still continue the coconut water until I'm completely better even when I expand my diet. If I am able to eat solids anytime soon I'm going to try all gluten free foods and avoid sugars and cornsyrup at all costs.
Try mixing some aloe juice with apple, kale, carrots, and put in there some ginseng and royal jelly (from bees!). This tonic helped me tons when I was flaring. Aloe heals and so does the royal jelly from bees! Kale + Carrots offer important vitamins we need. The Ginseng helps with immunity and energy. The apple just makes it taste better :) and it is not acidic like orange juice that can hurt you.

Oh and you can add BLUE AGAVE FRUIT EXTRACT as a sweetener. It is 1.5 times sweeter than normal sugar and it is better absorbed in the body than sugar. It is a wonderful alternative. Honey works great also. :] I love the FAGE Greek Yogurt with a little topping of the Agave Sweetener. Yumm.... makes me want to get some now. :)
How about juicing? That way you are at least getting the nurtrients from the fruits/veggies.

The master cleanse just doesn't sound healthy, lemonade and maple syrup? and I'm pretty sure its usually used as a quick weight loss fad diet..... I've heard it causes quite bad diarrhea. Probably not what you want to do when in a flare already.
I was not able to tolerate it. One trouble is losing vitamins and nutrients, which have to be a daily thing. I understand the liquid diet to reduce inflammtion. That will help. Foods and drinks are so key to keeping as pure as possible to maintain reduced inflammation. Keep searching.
I did the Master Cleanse to detoxify but didn't do it as long as they said to. I did feel like it helped with my inflammation and energy levels. I wouldn't do it again today because I'd be afraid of the cayenne pepper. I also found aloe to be helpful in quelling inflammation but doctors have warned about possible problems from aloe.
Thanks everyone. Yeah I never wanted to do the master cleanse, I was more interested in taking the idea and changing it to just hydrating ( pure coconut water has more potassium than a banana and more electrolytes than gatorade ) and also ingesting healing properties. My issues are even some liquids irritate me and I'm wondering how I am going to get better if I just keep agitating my intestines? I did just start taking flagyl a few days ago and it seems to be helping slightly. I was taking asacol but discontinued it because I did not notice it doing anything at all. Even though the asacol bottle said once you start taking it not to discontinue. Sounded ridiculous to me, sounds like the premise to the movie speed! Imagine Keanu Reeves yelling at me not to slow down on my intake of asacol.

Also may I ask what your doctor said could be bad from ingesting to much aloe? Never heard about this. I am drinking about two ounces a day.
Doctor said aloe can eat away at the lining of the intestines. That scared me enough.

Really? I never heard this before? Aloe always promotes healing or cell structure repair that is why people always put them on burns. Hmmm I have to research into this one. I drink aloe all the time. -_- hmmm.
I know aloe helps me when I flare so I'm not advising anyone not to supplement with aloe vera. Just be aware that there are warnings:

"Oral aloe, which has a laxative effect, can cause cramping and diarrhea. This may cause electrolyte imbalances in the blood of people who ingest aloe for more than a few days. It can also stain the colon, thus making it difficult to visualize the colon during a colonoscopy. So avoid it for a month prior. Aloe gel, for topical or oral use, should be free of athroquinones (primarily the compound aloin). These are the compounds that can be irritating to the gastrointestinal tract."

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