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Crohn's Disease Forum

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As a scientist, I appreciate your citations. As a person, I appreciate you taking the time.

If I might further burden you/others for strong citations in support of the use of Med Marijuana for Crohn's



PS. I've no doubt my last GI guy would have given it a blast. Unfortunately he retired and I am left with a GI guy who fears anything that isn't handed down from the Gods of Pharma, isn't blessed by the FDA, and isn't worshiped by the unquestioning risk adverse sheep amongst his peer group.

The last time I was in with him, he was peeved because I asked too many questions - "did I not know he had a clinic to run". As a university teacher I had responsibility for  over 800 students. You can imagine how many questions,  academic issues, and suicidal emergencies that that can generate. So, I found his intolerance of questions rather lame.
