What terrible side effects! 
RE: The original post, though:
I was put on [wiki2="Remicade"]Remicade[/wiki2] and only lasted a few months on it - I had reactions to it immediately, varying from rashes, hives and eczema. By the time I had my last infusion they had to give me Benadryl and a steroid to avoid getting a reaction, and by then it had no effect on me anyway.
I switched GIs during those months, and a quick test revealed I had a really strong resistance/allergy to it, so no wonder I was getting such strong reactions!
After that, I was put on 40mg of [wiki2="Humira"]Humira[/wiki2] once a week. You can either get it in a pre-loaded pen (press button, it injects for you) or a syringe, but I'm a big baby and went with the pre-loaded pen. I still find it hurts, but the syringe hurts more, and honestly that's my only complaint about it. Otherwise I haven't had any reactions other than a minor skin reaction once or twice, and that's just from the injection itself rather than the medication I'm pretty sure.
I'm also on Imuran at 100mg, and when it was higher I felt like it was causing me to lose my hair and I'm too afraid to up my dosage again to confirm this... A lot of people complain during the first week they're on it that they get pretty brainfoggy, but that goes away after. No side-effects since that I've noticed, but I'm also a little skeptical if it's working or not.
I was also on cipro/flagyl for a little while, but I'm pretty sure anyone on this forum can tell you that they're terrible antibiotics. I was on them for eight months. Most people get awful side effects from them, although I actually seemed pretty okay except for being infection-prone from them.