Medication temporarily affecting scope results?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 4, 2014

Just wondering if anyone has heard of Antibiotics preventing a colonoscopy from showing any inflammation etc?

I am on doxycycline to which prevents bad d, and am booked in for a colonscopy and gastroscopy in a month. My gastro specialist says that I should stay on the doxy, but I don't want to have gone through the hassle (travel, childcare, prep, recovery etc) if the doxy will have temporarily prevented anything being able to be found.
Not sure about doxy and how it may affect scopes.

My son was on doxy for acne for about a month before hos CD symptoms started to occur. I don't believe it caused his CD but may have triggered a flare.

I hope you get some answers.
We have a support group for antibiotics where you could possibly ask other members about it. Otherwise I'm really not sure... I don't think it should affect scope results, especially if you're taking it orally. If you're experiencing active inflammation, you may not be absorbing oral medication properly anyway.