"Melaena" in stool??

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May 8, 2015
Hi son undiagnosed but investigations underway to determine if he has an IBD. After a recent bout of diarrhea lasting 6 days and every colour of the rainbow (except red) his movements firmed up to a yogurt consistency but a maroon colour. The following movement more firm with half and half maroon - brown, the following movement loose mucousy undigested brown/maroon/bright red blood mush. His doctor has sent samples away to test for occult blood and fecal calprotectin. Mr 5 suffers inflammatory arthritis and iritis and is currently unmedicated for both. He is very small for his age 0.4% for weight and 2% for height. Does anyone know if this colour is normal for viral diarrhea? Or have any others seen this colour also? Of course he has had many bouts of diarrhea previously and I have seen this colour before but not knowing how important red poops are i dismissed it. Thank you
I'm just going to ask the obvious first... did he eat anything that could have changed his stool color? Beets?
I have had diarrhea caused by antibiotics and had blood etc so I would imagine any constant diarrhea could cause this including viral issues. However, I think you are doing the right thing by screening the fecal samples for inflammation. The fecal calprotectin test is very useful screening tool. Unfortunately, you are just going to have to wait and see what that test turns up. With GI issues there is a lot of hurry and wait and it is so hard on us parents. Are they also screening for culprits...bacterial infection, parasites etc. That was first on our list when my daughter ended up at the doc with diarrhea. Not likely but a good thing to cross them off the list.
Hi no nothing consumed that could account for the redness. And yes testing for the usual culprits responsible for blood in stool, campylobacter and yersinnia were the top two the doctor said.