Menstrual cycle with crohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 6, 2013
I have noticed when I'm on my period my pain is worse and I see mor mucus discharge which I haven't had a lot of but I didn't know what it could be from if its my treatment just my period or what as anyone ever experienced this or something similar advice would be great does anything help with fee,ing bloated
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I've been going through a revolving door with this too! Since April I have experienced excruciating, go to the ER immediately kind of pain. The first was I was in a flare with lots of inflammation. The next month, some pain but manageable. The third month, obstruction the same week as my period.

My GI thinks it is just a coincidence in my case as I have a 20 cm long stricture that I will be having removed. He did say that he always asks his female IBD patients about how their illness reacts to their period as in a lot of women their is a correlation.
I take Lynessa 28 which is a 28 day birth control pill, so I don't know, some other ladies on this forum were discussing birth control in another thread and the consensus was that since the bcp can irritate Crohn's, maybe other forms of birth control would be better choices such as implants or depro Vera (sp?). Where you only get your period every 3 months. I plan on talking to my GP and getting her opinion the next time I'm in to see her.
Hi Kirsten,

I have always had GI symptoms during my period -- long before I ever started having symptoms of Crohn's. A NP once explained to me that the extra activity in your uterus during your period (ie, flood of hormones & other chemicals, muscle contractions, etc) puts extra pressure on the other organs in the vicinity, which is why women often have lower back pain during their periods and GI discomfort.

So I personally think it's totally related. :)

There are lots of birth control options that make periods lighter, and for some, many women stop getting periods altogether. With the pill, you have the option to skip the inactive pills and take active pills all the time so you don't get a period -- it is my understanding that the medical community is supportive of this, but you should talk with your gyno about this specifically if you want to do that -- I think some types of pills are better than others for that approach.

I currently use the Mirena IUD, which makes my periods very light. The majority of women stop getting periods with this method -- I am not one of them. But my periods are much lighter, and my GI symptoms are not as bad during my periods as they were before.
Sorry you are having a really horrible time. I also get worse symptoms when its that time of the month I am on microgynon 30 contraceptive pill and have never had problems with it. If I feel particularly bad I run the packs together so I completely skip a period it does help when things are already tough.
There a lot of options so if one doesn't seem to work for you then there is always something else to try.
Hope you find something that helps