MM & Fatigue

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Sep 23, 2009
I have never tried marijuana but now that medical pot will be legal in NY I'm interested to learn more.

How are you all fatigue wise on pot? I suffer extreme fatigue and wouldnt want anything to make it worse. I'm thinking since it makes people more relaxed but does that equal drowsy?
I didn't notice this thread until today.

So there are two main types which have their various strains, Indica and Sativa. All the marijuana that you buy will be hybrid of the two, if you are buying from a dispensary they will usually give the approximate make up (80/20, 50/50 etc).

Indica heavy strains are higher in compounds Cannabinol and Cannabidol, those are the ones that are most beneficial due to the anti-inflammatory & muscle relaxing properties. They interact with the CBD2 receptors lining the gut and provide relief. As such due to the muscle relaxing properties, indica heavy strains are the ones that cause the body buzz (couchlock) and can make you sleepy.

Sativa heavy strains will be higher THC and lower in Cannabinol & Cannabidol. These strains will have more of a cerebral high and less of a body buzz, sleep inducing effect.

The majority of the stuff that you buy from the street will be indica based due to the how the plant grows (sativa tends to be a taller plant, whereas indicas grow to be shorter and stockier, this trait makes indoor growing easier as there tends to be less vertical room).

With that being said, when I was smoking more consistently, I would smoke at night before going to bed, this allowed everything to do it's magic, the lingering effects would help the next day, I was able to sleep better and I was never a fan of being high. I found if I didn't smoke for more than 3 days I would start noticing and increase in washroom trips.

Any strain of cannabis will help, some help more than others, there is no one size fits all as people will enjoy different strains. It is best to experiment. A dispensary will most likely you buy in 1-2 gram quantities so you can mix and match to create a sampler. You may also wish to purchase different strains for use during the day and one for night.

Edible products are very beneficial as they are absorbed directly into the GI tract, if the dispensary you go to sells they they tend to be consistent in dosage, however they physical effects will last a lot longer. For me I would still be feeling a mild buzz upwards of 10-12 hours later, but yet again, everyone is different, your mileage may vary.
Let me start off by saying that I have dealt with my symptoms for almost 3 years now but have never been formally diagnosed with Crohn's. Mainly because I don't have insurance and can't really afford the tests on my current income.

When I went in to have a fistula removed in April of 2012, the GI that I saw discussed with me a bunch of different treatment options, one of which was medicinal marijuana. Since my symptoms are fairly controllable (cramping, nausea, diarrhea), he suggested that I seek out a mm recommendation since it would be a relatively inexpensive trial and probably wouldn't do much harm. I used to have "episodes" that would get so bad that I would violently vomit while having diarrhea at the same time because the cramping was so bad.

I am happy to say that I have been able to greatly control the painful cramping by using small amounts of cannabis, both through smoking as well as ingesting. Generally when I feel an episode creeping up on me, a small amount of cannabis will decrease the intensity of the cramps and almost completely eliminate the nausea. Here in the great state of WA, there have been enough advancements in mm processing that there are discreet ways of medicating and regulating dosage so that I can confidently go about my day without worrying too much about having an episode since I can pretty much medicate anywhere and fend off a really bad attack before it's too late. For me, marijuana has absolutely been the solid ally that keeps me living a somewhat normal life.

I can't recommend that anybody take anything without consulting with multiple professionals, but I am definitely one example of mm successfully leading to an increase in overall quality of life. I have no noticeable side effects other than some extra fatigue here and there, but I haven't had a really bad episode since starting to medicate with mm.

Good luck with your decision!
In my own experience, I am sleeping better at night because I am not getting up as much (with pain or to go to the bathroom), and as a result, I am able to go through the day with out taking a nap. I don't know which strain I get as mentioned above, it probably changes every time. If you are going to try it for the first time, do it at a time of day where you don't have any more commitments, only take one hit and see how it does you. I made that mistake.
I have no idea if particular strains are legal in NY. I have to wait 18 months anyways and then see if doctor is ok with me trying.
It shouldn't be an issue if particular strains are legal. It's a yes/no situation for pot in general. There is no way of really differentiating the plants, unlike vegetables they basically all look the same. But because people quite often buy the same strain over and over, growers are quite diligent at keeping track of which is which when supplying.
I think they need to work out many kinks with the law. The whole ban in my opinion is idiotic. I am in favor of adults making responsible choices and if they wanna get high go for it.
I have never tried marijuana but now that medical pot will be legal in NY I'm interested to learn more.

How are you all fatigue wise on pot? I suffer extreme fatigue and wouldn't want anything to make it worse. I'm thinking since it makes people more relaxed but does that equal drowsy?

Just a bit of personal experience from the same starting point.

It made me non-functioning the week or two I started. Smoking and vaping 1 to 2 grams a day.

After two months I could smoke/vape what previously would have put me in bed for the night (like, can't stand up) and share a bottle of wine with the gf and feel 90% normal.

Now, after 8 or 9 months or so, I am honestly having to force myself to smoke/vape my 1 g a day. I feel almost nothing after a normal joint or bowl now, unless I missed smoking for a day or two and even then it's just a bit of a buzz. But I feel like it's important so I'm not giving it up quite yet. Even though it costs more than my car insurance...

In conclusion, fatigue or not you're going to be down and out for 10-14 days if you're trying it as a treatment. If it's just a casual/occasional thing for recreation or stress relief, disregard.

Once you're acclimatized it's all good and I would say that it has a greater chance of helping fatigue and energy issues than hurting them. It certainly has for me, imho.
It shouldn't be an issue if particular strains are legal. It's a yes/no situation for pot in general. There is no way of really differentiating the plants, unlike vegetables they basically all look the same. But because people quite often buy the same strain over and over, growers are quite diligent at keeping track of which is which when supplying.

Not so fast! Though it may sound insane, state regulators do have the ability to determine the strains sold, depending on THC percentage, like NJ.

As for fatigue wise, it depends on the strain, how much you're taking, and the method you use to ingest. Since vaporizing will be the only method legal in NY (which is a good thing), I doubt you'll have an issue w fatigue. But each individual is different when it comes to things like this. It's best to try for yourself.
It's not that they're "govt suppliers" but there are legislative specifications as to how much THC is permitted in mmj strains. There's been an outcry by New Jersey sellers since Gov. Christie made it absolutely impossible to create strains with the THC levels as specified in the New Jersey law. Of course he did this since he reluctantly had to carry out the legalization policy that was signed off by his predecessor, Gov. Corzine, right before he left office.
vonfunk got you covered pretty good.

For daytime medicating you want a sativa or a sativa dominant hybrid. When there is more CBD than THC, there is no euphoria or high whatsoever, but there is currently no plant on the market (except in labs) that naturally produce cannabinoids in that ratio.

But in a few years at the most, you will be able to get cannabis that doesn't fatigue you at all. For now, as suggested, try to find a sativa dominant strain, if at all possible. Is growing it out of the question for you? It's not too expensive and can be 100% stealth. Not sure what the laws are about this in NY right now.