MRI for small bowel

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May 16, 2013
I have not been diagnosed as of yet. My consultation with the GI isn't until August. My flare up is now gone....thanks to prednisone. I was thinking of asking my family doctor to send me for an MRI of my small bowel. I'm not sure if it would be a waste of my time because I feel ok right now. Does anyone think an MRI will actually show anything if I am symptom free?
I had an X-ray and ultrasound at the hospital and they were both normal.
My white blood cell and protein counts were high.
Thanks for any input
I'm not sure an MRI makes sense if you are symptom free. Have you ever had a colonoscopy? This would be the first test in order to determine diagnosis.
No colonoscopy yet. I had an endoscopy a few years ago which showed severe inflammation and tears in my esophogus from so much vomiting. Looking back, I really don't understand why they didn't a colonoscopy while I was in for the endoscopy.
It is frustrating because when I do get a flare up prednisone will work in 2-3 weeks and then I'm fine for a while. I havent had a flare up in 2 years till recently. So the chances that my colonoscopy will coincide with a flare up are minimal.
As I understand it the MRI scan will only show if there are any "structural" problems with your gut ie. fistulas, strictures or loops not the detail of the gut lining. For initial diagnosis a colonoscopy would be the test to use. I would have thought that even if your flare-up has cleared up there will still be signs of it in the lining - but I'm not a doctor so I could be wrong on this.
Yes, I would have thought a colonoscopy or a Small Bowel Follow Through would be better for checking for inflammation. The latter is what got me my diagnosis as they could see the typical 'cobblestoning' or skip lesion pattern of Crohn's on the images.
I've had a few MRI scans because mine is located in the small intestine and a scope is difficult to get up there.

Feedback I got was "............ Again there were areas of focal inflammation in your small intestine although your large bowel was normal."

So I think they can see a little more than just structural issues. I think the dye they use can show up the blood vessels which I assume look different if inflammed, emphasis on think as I'm making a bit of a guess there!
If any test were to be ordered by your GP, a CT scan would be best. A CT can show inflammation, possible fissures,fistulas or abscesses. However, they can also be inaccurate if you move even in the slightest way because it is a quick scan where as the MRI is a lot longer leaving less chance of false results. If Crohn's is suspected to be in your small intestines then a colonoscopy would be useless as it can only go so far up. But if you suspect it in your colon as well then that would be a good route to go. If your white blood cell count was high, that is usually a sign of infection. Flagyl and cipro have been proven to help with the symptoms of Crohn's as well as killing any type of infection you may have in your digestive track and are very cheap prescriptions. You can definitely ask your GP to prescribe those and see if it helps at all. August is pretty far out, is there another GI you can try to see instead?
All the GI's in my area seem to have long times. It's brutal because I have seen this GI 2 years ago. They say too much time has passed and I had to get another referral. Very frustrating.
As for the flare up is gone now. Do you think I should still ask for them? I have an appt with my family doctor tomorrow.