Mucus-like discharge in rectal area - HELP

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Jul 18, 2015
Hi all,

My husband had his 3rd Remicade loading dose 10 days back. For the past 1 week, he has been noticing mucus-like discharge which is slightly white in colour. This gives a sticky feeling in the anal area. Today when he felt sticky, he wiped it clean and found slight traces of blood mixed with the mucus-like thing. We are not sure if it is because of gas or it is coming out of the 2 fistulas he has setons in for. The fistulas are healing now though and are almost gone according to me. Any body else face this kind of situation?

We updated his GI on this and he told us not to make any changes to his current medications. He told us to keep him informed in 2 weeks about the symptoms. I'm quite worried :( Because he was as good as new after starting Remicade

I have some mucus-like discharge with some small threads of blood in it quite regularly, especially when I am very bloated but I always have some BMs these days as well. When I was on Remicade I was bloated the day of the infusion and one or two days after the infusion as well and passed out this yellow-white foam-like mucus before having normal BMs again.
I hope things calm down and it disappears, aarthi.
Thanks for your response Charlotte. Did the discharge reduce/stop for you? He does not have any bloating and he didnt have any discharge during the first 2 loading doses. 10 days after the 3rd dose is when we noticed this. I hope you feel better too!
Hi Aarthi, from my experience the white pus or mucous with blood from incision place suggests that Crohn's' is still active in his body. I did my 6th dose of Remicade and also had 2 incision and drainage and 1 fistulotomy surgeries at the rectum area. Right after my 3rd dose my discharge stopped but it started again I think after sometime from my 4th dose. I even talked with my doctor but he only suggests to meet him up in 2 or 3 weeks and asks to continue Remicade. I understand its very bad feeling coz I have been having since long. I place an absorbent pad on my inner-wear which collects all plus. As you know rectal area doesn't get much air, so make sure to clean it up from time to time. I will be visiting a surgeon in a few days and ask him for the reason of that discharge. I will get in touch wit you once I can get it. Meanwhile if you also get to know please let me know, I am tired of it now.
Also try giving him the following if you are comfortable, it helps me sometimes

Heat 1 teaspoon ghee

Mix this ghee+half teaspoon turmeric+half teaspoon shredded ginger+ sugar to taste.

Give first thing in morning.
Thanks for your response Harshad. It's disappointing to think that his Crohn's might still be active :( I will try what you said and will also update on what his GI says after 2 weeks. Waiting to hear what your surgeon says too. Hope you feel better soon. Are you getting treated in India?
As you must have read, Crohn's don't go away, Remicade only tries to mitigate Crohn's. I did all of my surgeries while in US and had to come back this February as I didn't had anyone to care of me. Yes as of now I am continuing my treatment in India, not different same as in US, doctors here have asked me continue Remicade only may be for next 1 or 2 year. I am also taking Ayurveda treatment, but had hard time finding a doctor for it. Ayurveda won't treat Crohn's but yes it will fortify the body for any possible future inflammation. Also make sure his iron levels and protein intake is regular. I will let you know what the surgeon says about this. In case you find something let me know too please. I have resumed my regular routine but still have rectal pain and discharge. Take Care
Thank you aarthi, for me, the discharge comes and goes and is worse when my Crohn's is worse. I haven't been in remission since diagnosis so I can't really tell what happens when being in remission. The stronger my symptoms are the more mucus is in my stools and the more often I have yellow mucus with blood traces in it between BMs.
I hope your husband feels better soon.
Hi Aarthi, I visited my surgeon here and asked him the reason for the pus discharge with blood sometimes. Here's what he explained me the mechanism of Anal Fistula:

Initial Abscessa was caused by Crohn's and removed surgically by incision and drainage through seton placement.

Incision and drainage caused a tunnel which starts in rectum where potty comes from and opens at outside skin of the buttock. This is called Anal Fistula.

Some potty particles enters this open tunnel.
Potty has bacteria which causes infection and leads to formation of pus/white mucous.
This comes out at the other end of the tunnel which is open on the skin of the buttock.
This is the reason of the pus or white mucuos is.

Per him my condition is now getting better. I should place a dressing pad to absorb that pus and continue with sitz baths 2-3 times a day. Also he said if I want I can go for Fistulectomy – cutting out anal fistula completely so that there is nothing left there. And a new muscle will grow.
As of now I am not interested in surgery and would continue with Ayurveda therapy.

Hope it helps you. Also when you visit your GI ask him the reason for it and how to stop it and let me know so I can cross verify too. Take Care

I have made some simple diagrams:
Thanks Harshad. I'll let you know what his GI says too. As for the surgery, my husband's surgeon told us that they don't do fistulotomy for Crohn's patients because it always causes complications like excessive bleeding/diarrhea. That is why they place setons. I think its wise that you don't want the surgery at this point. In future if you want to go for it, pls make sure you consult well :) Feel better :)