Muscle weakness and pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 8, 2013
I wondered if anyone could help me, I’ve had crohns for close to 15 years now and had my up’s and downs, had a resection surgery 9 years ago and don’t take any medication I’ve still been able to work full time, exercise 3 times a week by running a 5k, swimming and doing weights,

however recently I have suffered quite bad muscle weakness and pain, usually I get chronic pain but I’ve never experienced this before it’s so bad I’m struggling to walk and use my arms and just a couple of weeks ago I was doing fine. Whenever I do anything I’m so fatigued like going to the toilet is a struggle and my muscles hurt. I’ve just been getting by from taking painkillers.

Has anyone ever experienced this? I’m just hoping this is some kind of relapse or vitamin deficiency. I don’t know what else to do I’ve got an appointment with the doctor tomorrow so I’m hoping I get some answers but this is all very scary, and never had my health detoriate so fast.
See a rheumatologist
More than a few autoimmune diseases cause muscle weakness and when you have one -typically more follow
Good luck on the appt
Thanks, went to see the doctor today they did all the neurological tests and said they were normal, but thought this could be a viral illness causing the weakness. I’m getting a blood test tomorrow so will see what comes up with it.