Hello, I'm an 18 year old male. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when I was 11 years old. From 11 to 15, i had many treatments done on me. I've had lots of GI's and Remicade treatments to help me with my disease. I took a ton of medication to help me including steroids. Because of my disease, I feel that my body skipped puberty. I've always struggled with my height and weight. When I was in the 6th grade, I weighed 55 pounds and was about 5'0. When I was in the 9th grade, I weighed 90 pounds and was 5'2. I'm currently in the 12th grade and I weigh 100 pounds and I'm 5'4. I'm very thin and look akward compared to my peers. My body is also strangely proportioned. My torso is small and my legs are really short. My arms are freakishly long though and kind of make me look like a monkey (which isn't helped by my overbite and thin cheeks). I feel like I began puberty but got stuck half ways. I'm worried I'll stay like this forever. I was hoping my body might fix itself sooner or later but it never did and now I'm afraid it might be too late. Will my body fix itself and grow right or will i stay like this forever? Is there any way I can help my body grow properly at this point in my life? If it helps, my father is 5'10 and my older brother is 5'8 so me being 5'4 is very unusual.