My Brief Story Peter Buckley Leigh UK

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 18, 2012
It's been a long hard road, It all started with going to the doctor with a bad stomach, no problems other than stomach cramps and pain, he called it irritable bowel syndrome, within weeks it turned into what they thought was cancer, 6 months later it was Crohn's Disease, several hospitalizations later I had surgery, since all the drugs and liquid diet had failed, with no other option it was left to the surgeon to sort my pipe work out, it was done on emergency basis and what a great job the hospital team had done, me and my family are in there debt.

Life was great; holidays and nice breaks with the family working hard, a normal life wonderful, but then five years after the surgery, it all starts again.
Big adjustments, again hard decisions to be made, giving up a job I love, family having a sick father and friend again, but what do they do, rally! they are there despite it all.
So as I wait to go through the process of finding out what's gone wrong, I must do something, well this is another reason to promote the awareness of this Chronic condition, you look ok but to have x ray eyes. now that would be something.
With not much consistency of the knowledge about this disease, it can change so fast from being manageable, to disabling you, but like any chronic disease, That can go in remission or flare up at will, we have to meet it with vigour and start every new day as a new challenge, never give up! We have take a day at time, and be able to adapt with the symptoms and complications; it can bring.

I live in hope that it will calm down tomorrow.

Crohn's Disease is a very delicate balancing act between diet, medication, exercise and all I do is listen to my body and go from there.
This just doesn't give modern medicine much of a chance, but most of Crohn's suffers I have spoken to are strong, tenacious people with the mind set of WE WILL NOT BE BEATEN, DESPITE IT ALL.
Please use the resources to help you live a better quality of life, Crohn's disease is incurable, but that doesn't mean you cannot live a normal active life, it is difficult but if your anything like me, the more I understand the better prepared I am, on a daily basis to listen to what my body is telling me.
There are inspirational stories on this site, please spend the time and explore there are nuggets of pure gold, of human endeavour to overcome and succeed.
Thank You to my family and Friends, I will be back soon!........................................................................
Peter Buckley
Crohnies for life !
My full story will be realeased when I am ready, to tell it. for now it's all about awareness, please use the social media buttons and like and share the

This is Brief just like yours, just been informed I have a rare Crohn's not detected on blood results! such is life but my website has been a hit, I see through the pain with helping others :) I dont talk about poo or drugs.
Welcome Peter!
It's nice to see all the positiveness you have gathered! Things are generally easier with optimism! Stay strong and good luck with your healing process!
Great Post Peter, welcome & good luck with your ongoing battle with Crohns.
Welcome to the forum Peter :) Great to see the positive attitude, it can make such a difference at times.

Hope you can be feeling better again soon


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