My chronic pain

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Apr 14, 2015
Hi, I have always suffered with my bowels. As a child there was no name for it and it was called' colitis' . I am 55. In 2006 my husband died from bowel cancer and I became extremely ill which after a long time culminated in a partial cholectomy due to severe diverticulitis. Since that op I have never fully recovered suffering long bouts of bloating and constipation and pain in my left flank. I have had endoscopys, colonoscopy sand even a c scan but nothing shows up. Some days are fine others are not. About 6 weeks ago i had a nasty pain and started to feel terribly sick, something I've never experienced before. The area is on the left side under the ribs and radiating down past my waistline. I went to see my GP who reluctantly said I could have an endoscopy even though 3 years ago there was nothing there. I am still waiting for an appointment as it was not deemed an emergency. This morning I am in agony and I have a temperature. At my wits end but not sure what to do next!!
If you are in extreme pain and have a raised temperature I would go to the hospital so they can check that it isn't something that needs urgent treatment.

Sorry to hear you've been suffering with these symptoms for so long. Good luck!
Hi Kazzawin, welcome! First off, get to a hospital to be checked out- mention the Colitis/Crohn's issues too. Then, find yourself a good gastroenterologist! I, too, have experienced that very same pain (but no temp) a few times. I went to the ER the first time- but only when it got to the point of being painful to breathe or walk. They found nothing after doing xrays and an ultrasound. They sent me home with pain meds and told me to take Advil for pain (pre-Crohn's diagnosis). I did and patiently waited. It took a total of nearly a month (before and after ER trip) before the pain went away. I know now that i should have gone elsewhere but... The pain has happened twice since then but I know it is inflammation and the radiating pain (CD in sigmoid region is the cause of mine). With the inflammation comes bowel issues and I believe that is what has caused my pain. It takes a while, but it eventually subsides on its own. I have yet to be able to get in to see my GI while it's happening.

Blessings, I hope you feel better soon. Let us know what you find out!