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This morning I'm noticing how dark my hair has become.  I'm thinking that is due to avoiding citrus.  I'm two weeks into avoiding citrus.  That is good.  It is likely a sign of better digestion. 

Left lower gums still hurt but once again the area seems to be getting better.  The pain is do to the dental cleaning it received last week.  Might take longer than I hoped for that pain to go away.  My water pik arrived last night.  I'll get it set up today and give it a go.  Hope it doesn't make the area ore tender. 

Gut doing well.  I noticed it really responds to taking Imodium.  Often times Imodium does little for me.  That's a nice change, not that i'm taking much Imodium. 

Energy levels ok.  Strength ok.  I'm over exercising.  I try not to but it remains to easy to do.  Hope I can handle a beating a little better in the near future.
