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I woke up this morning feeling rather lousy.  I wasn't sure if i'd want to eat breakfast.  In the end though I ate breakfast and so far I'm doing ok.  The gut hurts some.  I'm full of gas but so far I suspect I'll do ok today.  It won't be a day were I do much though.  I'll baby the gut.  Hopefully the cause of the stomach bloat is the brewers yeast supplement.  I didn't take that this morning.  Appearance I notice this morning is quite good and healthy.  That's a positive sign i believe.  When taking the brewers yeast my hair looked dried out at times, and skin looked that way also. 

I never have had much luck with vitamin supplements, whether synthetic and in this case natural. 

Should feels good.  Maybe it is those perfect pushups that is causing the rotator cuff problems.  I'll know more in a few days but as of this morning the left shoulder has little pain.
