Need help constipating myself...

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Sep 23, 2010
Yeah i know.. subject sounds a little weird. but it's true..
I only seem to get constipated on pain meds. Which I cant get due to the doc office and insurance and pharmacy not all getting it together. yeah i could get it if i had the money, but i'm broke with 2 dollars in my account.
I believe I have ulcers in my colon. lower and middle.. just because i associate this pinching deep pain as ulcers since that's what the doc told me long ago when i was first diagnosed..
I dont know what to do about those, pain meds would help the pain from those as well as constipate me.

I guess it's not constipation I need. but I need something other than blood and the watery poops coming out from back there.
cheese never works. I could eat cheese all day long and all it does is inflamm the tube from my stomach to my throat.
I think I MAY be low in iron and potassuim but im not really sure. as i've had these issues chronically before.

any help would be appreciated.. theres no ride to the doc or er. so i'm stuck as far as that goes. and it's WAAAAAY too hot to go walking to the Er as it's 105 degrees farhenihiet right now here.
oh i have a fissure which i think is the main cause of my blood tho it's never produced THIS much blood before. and the fissure is on the inside of my rectum.
I also feel just... not good.. like ill.. generally.. its hard to explain but i'm just like "blah... dont feel good" and others are like "whats wrong?" and then i respond with "i dont know.. i just .. dont feel good.. at all.." and then they just get confused and leave me be.

(on a side note i have hot flashes at night, and am only 24yr. but i think that's associated to the cyst in my right ovary right now that's over 4 cm's which i'll be heading to the gyno next week over. didn't know if this would explain anything else or not but thought i'd just throw it out there. which is the main reason why i was prescribed pain meds).
Try metamusil after Metamucil after every meal and see if that does the trick. Works for me.

My mother has a cyst that grew to 7cm on her ovary. Everytually had it cut out and it was benign. Hopefully your cyst isnt serious either. Good luck
Oh wow, 7cms?! and I thought mine was bad at 3.5cms.. I'm glad it hasn't gotten that big.
I will try metamucil, thanks :)