Need suggestion - Should I go for my 4th Colonoscopy?

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Jun 19, 2015
Here is the quick summary , I have symptoms of IBS-D. I am suffering from this for the last 4 years. I got this from a stomach infection. During this 4 year , I had 2 full colonoscopy and 1 really bad (Sigmoidscopy i guess).

My first colonoscopy showed very tiny ulcers in the terminal ileum but the biopsy did not show anything. MY GI doctor said it could be from infection and medication. So I received treatment only H. Pylori and C diff. After 1 year I had my second colonoscopy and it completely fine. After that I had 1 year of good time but the IBS symptoms does make your life difficult sometimes.

Recently I went to a doctor and he wanted to Colonoscopy again despite my previous results. During the procedure I understood it was only Sigmoidscopy (I guess the doctor only could performed Sigmo and he did it only for money becayse both of my past 2 colonoscopy showed no sign of disease in large colon). The most awkward things was, it was extremely painful and and he showed the scope through really fast and could not even complete it. The report was not complete and I had severe rectal spasm and pain. After the procedure I have been suffering from rectal spasm and low grade dull pain. I also lost some weight from this horrible experience. I have taken medication and it seems the pain is reduced. This rectal pain is much awful than the diarrhea symptoms. I will be glad to get rid of this rectal pain completely and live with IBS-D (because it's manageable with diet unless it's too bad).

So with medication from general surgeon the rectal pain seems to be in control (thanks to almighty God). But I got another colonoscopy schedule from another new good GI doctor.

But now I am confused, after the bad Sigmoidscopy i feel like I am hurting myself with doing this procedures so many times. Shall I go for the colonoscopy again ? Please kindly advice. Because right at the moment I feel it's better not to do it.
Hi hypo well its a tricky one. I had a colonoscopy it showed clear, but I still had bad symptoms. It wasn't till I got an mri scan that I was diagnosed with Crohn's. Now I'm in the UK so none of this cost me, I don't know what country you are in! so I don't I know how you would go on getting this. Bear in mind though that Ibd/Ibs can occur in a short space of time, so may be worth another colonoscopy just to be sure.??.
Best wishes ...
Hi hypo well its a tricky one. I had a colonoscopy it showed clear, but I still had bad symptoms. It wasn't till I got an mri scan that I was diagnosed with Crohn's. Now I'm in the UK so none of this cost me, I don't know what country you are in! so I don't I know how you would go on getting this. Bear in mind though that Ibd/Ibs can occur in a short space of time, so may be worth another colonoscopy just to be sure.??.
Best wishes ...

Yes I do have health insurance and I am not concerned about financial part. I am more concerned about the pain and side effects I received from the last Sigmoidscopy. Besides , I had 2 previous colonoscopy and 1 CAT Scan where the result was normal. The first one did show some abnormality in the terminal ileum but it was fine in the 2nd one. The CAT scan was normal
Hi ah ok . Ye I understand about the pain one though its not good. I guess its a hard choice you kinda need to know what's going on but the idea of how much it hurts puts you off. Do you think you could maybe have a scan instead, would your doc/ insurer say yes to that as you suffer so much with the
colonoscopy ?. Might be worth an wishes
Is fecal calprotectine test available where you live? This could be a good indicator of inflammation in colon and small intestine. Its a simple test very easy which could help orient your decision regarding the colonoscopy. there is also ''virtual colonoscopy'' or other radiology tests as mentionned above.
I am looking for more suggestion! I have received some kinda perinal trauma from last sigmoidscopy and my rectum still hurts (dull ache , pressure and uncomfortable feeling when sitting) . So, right at the moment I am focusing on getting rid of this pain. My bowel movements are pretty normal at the moment .

after 3 weeks I will get an ultrasound for the diagnosis of this rectum dull ache I have. so, should I get the colonoscopy in Tuesday? I am thinking to cancel it.
Hi hypo, if you are due the ultra sound in a few weeks and your still in such pain, then may be cancel and see what the ultra sound shows and take it from there, but I would suggest talking to your doc first and see what he/she says as of Course I'm not a doc, might not be as poor if I was lol. Take care and best wishes...
I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this. I was dx with IBS as well. I have been having issues for a little over 4 years or so. I am going to be very honest, I have not had a lot of luck so far with doctors. I live in a big city with some of the top hospitals and doctors really do not seem to know much about chronic illnesses from what I am learning.

It sounds like the guy who did your sigmoidoscopy was not well trained if he caused you pain and damage from that procedure. Personally a sigmoidoscopy is a waste of time and money. If I was going to go through that test, I would just do the full colonoscopy as it will be able to view the whole colon. Lots can be missed on a sigmoidoscopy since that only looks at the lower part of the colon.

I think some of these tests and scans are only as good as the person doing them if you know what I mean. Like the CT scans and MRI's, well if there is mild inflammation, it surely can be missed I believe.

I just had a fecal calprotectin test done and it was elevated. I am meeting with my GI doc to see what he has to say about it this week. He did not even order it, I asked my primary care to order it so I would not even know this had I not asked my primary care doc to order it. From what I am learning, this test is not widely used and there is conflicting information with it so it seems.

I hope you get to feeling better soon and can get some answers. It is very frustrating when no one can tell you what is wrong, I know.
Hi, re what Ihurt says .. I think the reason doc,s have so little idea is because this disease is so variable, which makes it hard to deal with:angry-banghead: ... hopefully you will find your remedy sooner rather than later :ghug: best wishes..
I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this. I was dx with IBS as well. I have been having issues for a little over 4 years or so. I am going to be very honest, I have not had a lot of luck so far with doctors. I live in a big city with some of the top hospitals and doctors really do not seem to know much about chronic illnesses from what I am learning.

It sounds like the guy who did your sigmoidoscopy was not well trained if he caused you pain and damage from that procedure. Personally a sigmoidoscopy is a waste of time and money. If I was going to go through that test, I would just do the full colonoscopy as it will be able to view the whole colon. Lots can be missed on a sigmoidoscopy since that only looks at the lower part of the colon.

I think some of these tests and scans are only as good as the person doing them if you know what I mean. Like the CT scans and MRI's, well if there is mild inflammation, it surely can be missed I believe.

I just had a fecal calprotectin test done and it was elevated. I am meeting with my GI doc to see what he has to say about it this week. He did not even order it, I asked my primary care to order it so I would not even know this had I not asked my primary care doc to order it. From what I am learning, this test is not widely used and there is conflicting information with it so it seems.

I hope you get to feeling better soon and can get some answers. It is very frustrating when no one can tell you what is wrong, I know.

Thanks everyone for replying. Today I was scheduled to do the Colonoscopy again and guess what ? I did not do it. Previously I also had CAT scan and it was all clear.

The rectum dull ache seems to be too much for me, as I am a young accountant and I have to seat on the chair for so many hours. The most annoying part is , I never had any issue with rectum pain and I got it from the last sigmoidscopy which was very painful and was done harshly but the doctor did not agree with my experience. In fact I assume he did all these procedures to get the money from my insurance. I showed him my previous reports (full colonoscopy and CAT scan ) but he still wanted to do Sigmoidscopy . It's been 3 months and I have seen several other doctors but the rectal pain is still there.

Now I really regret going to that doctor who did that Sigmoidscopy. That doctor was screening patients for HIV and Hepatitis B before the Sigmoidscopy because he thinks patients can transmit such viruses from the procedure. Now my question is what about the other bacteria and viruses such as TB or HPV ? And what about the cleaning procedures? He barely took time to clean the scope as he was performing the procedure on several other patients in a quick session.

Now I believe sometime it is better to control diet and trust god instead of going to these doctors in search of cure. Especially when it comes to the GI disorders, they are more on doing experiment with the patient because they don't have any specific idea. May be some good doctors do but the majority of them don't.

Sorry for the long disappointing post!
I dont have much answers to your questions, but Im just hoping you 'll be able to find a doctor that you like and trust. There is nothing worst for us patients than a doctor we feel wrong about. Ive been there and that was a horrific experience for me, got me really anxious and depressed. There are good doctors, but sometimes, as my father says, we need to shop around. good luck.

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