I was diagnosed with Crohn's in July of last year. Before that was under control I started having chest pain, around November-December time frame. Daily. Usually about 2 am. I am still dealing with back pain daily. Something as simple as rolling on my side in my sleep can make me hurt for days. I live on a heating pad. I've burned one out since the pain started. I've been on muscle relaxers, ibuprofen daily, indomethacin (my PCp was thinking it might be pericarditis) and now I'm taking Mobic, which is helping me sleep through the night unless I roll on my side. I can't even go for a one mile walk right now without hurting. I'm finally getting my crohn's under some kind of control, and I finally got a referral to a rheumy. But the appointment is May 18th! I have been in daily pain since November people. And if it gets to be more than the Mobic can handle, what the hell am I supposed to take then? I am starting to feel like people are tired of hearing that I am in pain. They have no response when I am honest with them. So now people don't know how to act with me. So this disease has taken away my enjoyment of food, my normal sleeping habits, I cannot sew right now , I am a quilter- it's my stress relief. I cannot take a gentle walk, and now I can't talk to anyone about it?? I'll be all right. I am just incredibly frustrated and there is no end in sight. I just want my life back.