New and here for my daughter

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Apr 18, 2011
Hi! I posted this in the My Story section and thought I would simply copy and paste here. Please forgive the long length. This has been such a complicated experience and it's so hard to put into just a few words...

I'm hoping I can find some answers here. My daughter is having a lot of problems and I'm about at the end of my rope.

Four years ago I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I found a board similar to this and found a wealth of knowledge and support. Now, I'm seeking out the same for my daughter.

She is 14. She was born with a milk protein allergy. After months of switching formula and enduring hours of painful cries, we finally put her on Nutramagen (a completely synthetic formula). She got much better. We were told she would grow out of the allergy within the next couple of years. Well, to this day, she will get very sick if eats dairy.

Our family has a history of autoimmune problems. As I said, I have psoriatic arthritis. My cousin has Crohn's so bad that he had to have part of his intestines removed or he would have died. A cousin on my husband's side of the family has Celiac disease.

My daughter had mono in the fall and the flu at Christmas. In January, she came to me and said she was having a lot of pain in her stomach and diarrhea. She has had stomach upset off and on her entire life. We always thought it was the allergy. So, like before, I assumed she could be getting too much dairy in her diet from cooked foods, etc. We got very strict about her diet. The symptoms persisted. She didn't want to go back to her pediatrician because she felt like she was too old. (She does look a lot older than her age.) So, I tried to find a general prac. that would take her. Much to my surprise, none of the general prac. in our town would see her because of her age. Honestly, I was just looking for a referral to a specialist because I knew we needed something deeper. I took her to a walk-in clinic and told them I needed a referral. They called Children's Hospital in Birmingham (we're in Alabama) and set up an appointment. The first available was in April. This was February!

In the meantime, the clinic decided to send her for a CT scan. They found a functional ovarian cyst. They called me with the results and told me I could cancel the appointment with Children's because the cyst was the problem and that I should follow up with her ped. I did not cancel the appointment because the pain she was experiencing was in her stomach area - not anywhere near her ovaries!

I did follow up with ped the next week. She said she believed the cyst was incidental and not the true cause of the pain. She said we should certainly keep the appointment at Children's and ordered a series of tests that she thought would be helpful - bloodwork (including tests for rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, et.c), an ultrasound of her gallbladder (my husband had to have his gallbladder removed) and a stool sample to test for h. pylori. All of that came back normal. Her white blood cell count was just slightly below normal.

Our appointment at Children's was last week. We took a disc with the gallbladder ultrasound and the CT scan on it. The clinic and the ped. faxed copies of their test results. We've started on another round of tests. They did more bloodwork that day. We received a call saying all of that was normal. She went today for an upper GI small bowel follow-through. The person doing the test remarked that she had acid reflux. She goes back on June 1 for a lactose breath hydrogen test and another meeting with the doctor. If we don't have an answer at that point, she will probably have an upper/lower endoscopy. Our current plan of action is to treat her as if she has irritable bowel syndrome to see how that goes. She is taking Levbid and Omeprazole. So far, no results from those meds.

In the meantime, she is suffering. She's missed a lot of school and we're all stressed. Here are her symptoms - related or not - as of now:

1. Pain in her abdomen. She holds her had on her left side just below her rib cage. Sometimes you can see her cringe. The pain can be sudden or constant. She's also sore to the touch in that area.
2. Diarrhea every few days. She lost weight in January/February, but seemed to gain it back in March during a time of fewer symptoms.
3. Fatigue. This seems to happen with the other symptoms.
4. Nausea and vomiting during the more severe episodes.
5. Pain in her hands. Again, it seems to get worse when the other symptoms are present.
6. Her feet and hands randomly turn blood red for no apparent reason.
7. Headache.

Tonight she is on the couch with all of the above.

(I should also note that she has not had any irregularities with her period because of the cyst. Everything seems normal.)

I know you probably think I should just wait and see what the Children's Hospital concludes. However, I'm not the world's most patient person and I'm almost in a panic because I can't do anything to help her. That's why I decided to find this board. At least I feel like I'm doing something. It seems we are going through test after test with no answer. I guess I just want to know if any of this sounds familiar to any of you. Any suggestions or insight you can give me is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Welcome Ginny! I hear you about the impatience. A month and a half is a long time to wait when your child is hurting!! Has she ever had blood with her diarrhea? My son definitely had all those symptoms minus the issues with hands and feet. That sounds like something going on with blood circulation. Have the docs any ideas about that?
Welcome Ginny! I hear you about the impatience. A month and a half is a long time to wait when your child is hurting!! Has she ever had blood with her diarrhea? My son definitely had all those symptoms minus the issues with hands and feet. That sounds like something going on with blood circulation. Have the docs any ideas about that?

Hi! Thank you for responding. We've asked her and she has not had blood. At least she hasn't noticed it if she has.

The doctor at Children's Hospital seemed to take note of the pain in her hands. I read up on it after we left and apparently it can be a symptom of Crohn's in children. There's a relationship between forms of arthritis and Crohn's because they are all in the autoimmune family of diseases. I know I have come across several people that have psoriatic arthritis (my particular brand) and Crohn's. I learned after my diagnosis experience that I should pay attention to every symptom - no matter how unrelated they seem. I would have never guessed that the odd skin lesions I had (eventually diagnosed as psoriasis) were related to the joint pain and fatigue I was experiencing.
Ginnylee - We're glad you are here. I hate to say you have to wait when your baby doesn't feel well but it sounds like that's where you are. What I will say is TRUST your gut and don't give up until the pieces fit.

My daughter has never fit one particular mold, still doesn't. To me the commonality of the autoimmune diseases is how uncommonly they can present.

Keep us posted, you'll be in our thoughts.


Thanks, AZMOM. Your baby has JRA and Crohn's - both at such a young age. It just doesn't seem fair.

You are so right about autoimmune diseases. There is no checklist that we all fit neatly into. It's hard to make anyone that has never had an experience with an autoimmune disease understand how they work and are interrelated. I'm pretty sure my mom thinks I'm nuts.

I'm on Remicade for my PsA. Who would have thought that the same drug that treats a digestive disorder would treat skin problems and joint pain?

Thankfully, I really like the doctor we're seeing at Children's Hospital and since it's part of the UAB system (University of Alabama in Birmingham School of Medicine), I feel like we're in good hands. I just want to hear a diagnosis and a plan for making my little girl feel better as soon as possible.
Hi ginnylee and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here but I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. :(

My daughter was diagnosed at 14 after being ill for 18 months. Many of the symptoms you describe are what Sarah suffered......upper abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and headache. The only differences were Sarah tended to constipation, experienced pain in her knees and had sore eyes. All of her tests, including scans, were normal until she was admitted for emergency surgery. As J has said, trust your gut, even more so when you have a history of not only autoimmune in your family but more particularly Crohns. Many may say a cousin isn't evidence enough but that is the only link we have in our family also.

If results continue to return as normal then continue to monitor her symptoms and what you see in front of you. Keep fighting until you get the answers you need, you know your daughter better than anyone. Have a look at the diary suggestions in the forum wiki......

Keep asking questions and question answers. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :hug:
Thanks, DustyKat! That's wonderful advice. 18 months is a long time to wait for an answer.

Sometimes I'm afraid I'm going to miss something - like that moment when maybe I should be taking her to the emergency room rather than treating it as just another episode.

This is truly frieghtening stuff.

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