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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 1, 2010
Hi guys. I'm 22 years old and I have been an onlooker in these forums for a while now as it has been very helpful since I got diagnosed with Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis just over a year ago.

This is my story briefly: I went from 15 stone to a little 7 stone within almost two years due to Crohns. Due to my GP not doing his job properly (saying I was anorexic, then bulimic, then putting me on Iron tablets; which I was told is the worse thing?) it took so long to realise what was wrong with me. Until I was carried away in an ambulance on my death bed whilst watching my Favourite film (I am stubborn when it comes to myself. I tend to think of others).

I was inside the hospital for several months, continuing my degree whilst hooked up to drips and regularly being injected with morphine :lol2: (I believe the stress from College and Uni was possibly the cause). I found it hard to accept I had this illness and get my head around what was wrong with me whilst studying (Again I'm stubborn and I wanted to meet deadlines for work rather than be seen as getting 'special treatment' from other students), so I'm still discovering new things about it. After being in hospital for months I was discharged a week before Christmas ready for my Christmas dinner, but I was on a liquid diet :thumbdown: I was on that for around 6 months and came off it in the summer 09 and been trying new foods and slowly building myself back up whilst on medication since then.

I have found that I have up days and I have my down days and sometimes I think I'm getting somewhere but I end up taking a few steps back. I regularly see my specialist and dietician (both once a month) and keep them posted on my progress. I find I am okay with some foods one day, then they disagree with me other days. To make things worse my favourite foods are the ones I am no longer allowed to try at the moment (fruit and Veg). I have had several scares recently due to my body not putting weight on no matter what I put down my neck (eating well over 3000 calories a day) but I have slowly started to gain some weight now and starting to look like a young man instead of a skeleton.

Well that's my story. I will be on here often asking for advice because I'm still confused with a lot of stuff.
Welcome!! Im glad you found us, there is so much help and support here. I know what you mean by not gaining weight. Ive lost 65 pounds in 6 months and have been increadilbly sick. I find as Im getting better I can now eat things I couldnt eat a few weeks ago. I also find if I eas a little bit of something that could make me ill, I better not eat it again anytime soon. So hang in there, you will get better.....also, I posted a thread under diet about what fav foods weve all had to give up...check it out, its interesting and helpful. Again Welcome and stay strong!! Good Luck~
Hi Jon
and welcome fellow Brit
where are you?

You've had a rough time of it, being so young too
glad you found us and there are lots of support and advice here for you, any questions, just shoot
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi guys thanks for the welcomes and support you offer :) If I have any questions I wont hesitate to ask.

Astra101 - I'm from 'the norf' :p well Lancashire to be precise.

Yey! I'm a northerner too! But from good old Yorkshire!

Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. I find this forum a great place to come when feeling down, everyone knows what you are going through.
Thanks terri_ann87. I'm heading Yorkshire way in the summer hopefully :)

You're right this site is great as a 'pick me up' when you're feeling down about everything, just seeing that you're not alone is great for making you feel better. One thing I felt when I was diagnosed was isolated, as if no one could understand? But I'm glad I found this place :) it's also great just to find out advice and what other people are experiencing and if you have gone through something similar it's nice to see if you can help them.
Welcome and good luck in your recovery! Everyone in here is a beautiful person and has helped me out so much especially on my bad days! Glad you found us :)

Kari xx

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