Hi, I've had Crohn's for 10 years now and (touch wood) all in all, have had not to bad a time of it (either that or I'm in denial - hmmmmm). Anyhow, over last year and half have lost father and grandfather and mum had a heart attack (better now) so all in all very stressful time. Have been on steroids since around October 2007, 150mg azathiropene? and 600mg mezalazine per day. Can't get down lower than 15mg prednisolene a day. Have been sent for an MRI scan which they didn't really tell me the reason for - OK, except that I'm in pain but I was expecting a colonoscopy. Anyhow, worried absolutely sick about it all and thinking the worst. Normally have diahorrea with my Crohn's but don't this time - all confused and upset. Anyone out there with suggestions to cheer up? Re: food - I haven't changed my eating habits at all - should I?