New to Humira

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Mar 30, 2011
So after almost two years of trying everything else, we finally started Humira.

I was doing the loading doses myself, got the first one in with a lot of burning, elevated blood pressure, dizziness. Waited a few minutes and did the 2nd (of 4) one. Barely got it all in before dropping to the floor and putting my head between my knees. Tunnel-vision, starfield...just not a good time. Had my brother (RN) do the last 2 which went in without much drama. Of course, he gave me 1/2 of a xanax first, so that certainly helped. He also iced the injection site before-hand. That helped a LOT! It still burned like a monkey going in, but not as badly as it had before.

The day after the shots, I was exhausted. I couldn't stay awake for more than an hour at a time. Days 2 & 3 were pretty mild with only an increased amount of 'D' (which seems counter-productive...but whatever) and still some sleepinesss. 4 days in, I had excruciating joint pain. Days 5, 6, 7 and most of 8 were spent throwing up - in more pain than the English language is capable of describing - and horrible back pain. I missed 3 days of work.

So...round 2 came due. Fortunately, it was only 2 shots this time. I adjusted the date in hopes of timing it out so that i got sick over the weekend. The brother wasn't available so I put on my big girl panties & did it myself. Got them both in fairly easily. Still the burning pain and the sensitive injection site. Still extremely tired on day 2. This time, however, the vomiting started on day 3, which is today. The joint pain also returned this morning. My knees, hips, fingers, toes all hurt.

Going to adjust the injection day one more time to Thursday. So I'm only sleepy on Friday, and have the weekend to enjoy the rest of the symptoms.

I'm still praying that it's going to get better as my body acclimates to it, and with only one shot every 2 weeks it won't have such an impact.

Any suggestions? I'm so miserable.
It sounds miserable! Have you called your doctor to report the after-effects of loading up?

I wonder why your doc didn't have you take your first four injections at his office with a nurse there? It's good your brother could help.
Weird. Never been throwing up after Humira, or heard of it before. Call you doc is my suggestion.
Most unfortunately, I don't have insurance right now. So I have to utilize a county clinic. It's great that I can get my medicines, but I don't have the luxury of getting to call to leave a message, or get in sooner than the next appt.
Hi. I'm brand new to this site. I read your story and now I am really worried. I am to start humira myself soon and was going to load up by myself. My doctor suggested going to my local doctor's office and having a NP guide me. Now I think I know why. It was very good your brother was there to help. I guess I will go to the doc's office afterall when the time comes. Now I'm really looking forward to it! haha! But good idea, I think I will do it on a Friday at least! I can't wait! Thanks for I know what I might expect...and would rather be prepared for the worst case scenario!
Strange reaction, sounds more like a flare than a reaction, but you know your symptoms better than I.

I have only experienced a slight short lasting headache from the loading dose.
Big Red, how has your Humira been working out? Did you have your appointment and get some feedback from your doctor? I wonder if switching to Remicade or another drug would be advised.