new to site and crohns
hello iam not very sure how to go about this but here it goes. 1 am 48 years old and have been told that i have crohns. I was rushed to the hopital last month and they took out my appendix and explored my mid section. appendix was normal but my small intestance where inflamed { pissed off is how my doc describe it}. I am now of pred, endacourt and all sourts of other meds. My symptoms dont seem to be getting better. I have a fever all the time no energy and of course i am in the bathroom all the time. My doctor tells me he wantes me on {CIMSIA}. I think that how you spell it. I am worried about the side affects. I also wonder how long before i start to fell better. Thanks for letting me share and i hope everyone the best. Mic
hello iam not very sure how to go about this but here it goes. 1 am 48 years old and have been told that i have crohns. I was rushed to the hopital last month and they took out my appendix and explored my mid section. appendix was normal but my small intestance where inflamed { pissed off is how my doc describe it}. I am now of pred, endacourt and all sourts of other meds. My symptoms dont seem to be getting better. I have a fever all the time no energy and of course i am in the bathroom all the time. My doctor tells me he wantes me on {CIMSIA}. I think that how you spell it. I am worried about the side affects. I also wonder how long before i start to fell better. Thanks for letting me share and i hope everyone the best. Mic