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Hi ur symptoms are just like mine  iv had ultrasound mri and endoscopy waiting for colonoscopy I'm in bed today in pain cocoadamol and oramorph I have joint pain hips knees elbows pelvis bloating gurgling fataigue was in hospital they thought it was gall bladder iv had stool test and is highly raised and have been told I have ibd but need to see which one  just need to get diagnosed and medication to try and live a so called normal life I cant do much at moment my kids have to see to there selves on a morning doing breakfast and there own packed lunch cause I'm exhausted sometimes I don't sleep on a night  my husband try his bestbut he thinks i put it on when I fits if only he knew what its like pain upduring night needing toilet but then nothing happens  feeling faint when cant get off toilet who would put this on  I am starting to feel down . We have booked our first holiday abroad in July with the kids before this took was booked I think because we haven't had diagnosis Cr or uc don't know when I will get to go bk to work I have two jobs somebody told me to claim pip anybody else claimed
