Just got the news 4 days ago that I have crohns, normally I would have been more upset about this diagnosis, but they also ran a test for carcinoid cancer, due to the fact I have been experiencing severe flushing( face/whites of eyes, arms and chest become blood red) and VERY rapid heartrate up to almost 200 BPM at times with severe cramping, followed by explosive diarrhea. By far my worse episode of this was about 15 days ago, had the pain, flushing, rapid heart rate, followed by 24 hours of severe abd pain and passing nothing but blood every hour or so. They did colonoscopy and made it to 45 cm when they found severe circumfirential ulcerations with severe narrowing, and had to stop there, it was too narrow, and too dangerous to try to go beyond this point.
I just finished a round of flagyl, I am not bledding at all anymore, but I am still having quite a bit of pain. They have arranged for me to see a gastroenterologist in St Louis, my appointment is Feb 7.
From my research looks as though I will forsure be places on steroid?..(is that prob right)....Not looking foreward to that, hear stories of swelling, weight gain, moodiness...yuck!!! In the last 2 years or so I have had other things going on, that I guess at this point may be related to the crohns...whatcha think??? I have had 12 yeast infections, never had any until 2years ago, I got the shingles(that really sucked)...and I have had a tremendous amount of joint/back pain, and oh the headaches.
So glad I found this site, I will be on here alot!!!
Thanks Kim 39 y/o
I just finished a round of flagyl, I am not bledding at all anymore, but I am still having quite a bit of pain. They have arranged for me to see a gastroenterologist in St Louis, my appointment is Feb 7.
From my research looks as though I will forsure be places on steroid?..(is that prob right)....Not looking foreward to that, hear stories of swelling, weight gain, moodiness...yuck!!! In the last 2 years or so I have had other things going on, that I guess at this point may be related to the crohns...whatcha think??? I have had 12 yeast infections, never had any until 2years ago, I got the shingles(that really sucked)...and I have had a tremendous amount of joint/back pain, and oh the headaches.
So glad I found this site, I will be on here alot!!!
Thanks Kim 39 y/o