No symptoms except blood in stool

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Sep 13, 2010
Hi all, I think my Humira has finally started to take effect and I am feeling a lot better. Only thing is I'm slightly concerned that I go to the toilet once a day and do barely any poop but a lot of blood. However I don't feel ill, I feel perfectly fine :shifty-t:

So my first concern is... what could be causing that?!! Anyone on Humira had a similar experience?

Secondly I'm taking a lot of protein supplements for bodybuilding and I'm wondering if my body is absorbing protein properly when my bowel is in this state and whether they are causing me any problems.

Btw this protein stuff is all natural so I didn't see why it would be bad. Aside from that I have boiled eggs and white bread for breakfast, chicken and white bread for lunch and fish and potatoes for dinner. That's.... actually my entire diet so I can't understand what's causing the blood :frown:

Any ideas?
What color is the blood? Is it a bright red or is it darker? Is it actually in the stool or is it in the toilet? If it's bright red it might be hemmorhoids or irritation in the rectal area. If it's darker, it's higher up. Regardless you should mention it to your GI just to be safe.
It's very bright red and it is mixed with the stool but there is a lot more blood than poop. If it's in the rectum would it stop me absorbing nutrients from food? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the rectum just like storage before leaving the anus?
Hi FireFlyX, I have had this many times....a lil poo and mostly blood, everything always checks out fine...I noticed it gets worse after I flare and then things calm down, have lots of blood before symptoms finally disappear. Ive also had just random days of blood, with no problems in sight for months...Im not sure what causes it.

I also know that if your body is having a hard time digesting and absoring nutrients in food, your poo may have a brigt green color to it. Perhaps not always the same with everyone, were all so different.

Good luck~
You are right, the rectum stores waste until it is expelled from the body. It has nothing to do with the absorption of nutrients.

Dusty. :)
I would worry about getting Amemic from all the blood loss. That makes you feel tired all the time, and other issues.

Bright red probably means it's coming from near the anus. Maybe hemorrhoids, a fissure, or inflamation of the rectum. Call your doc.

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