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Nov 24, 2012

This is a very interesting read. I understand that DMSO (anti-inflammatory widely used in animals) is technically not approved for use as an IBD medication, but a lot of what this guy says is seemingly more true every day:

"The cause of Crohn's we have found is a combination of food allergies and infection with Mycoplasma/Mycobacteria, aggravated by Candida Albicans."

That's a bold statement for such a misunderstood disease, but I think silver is more powerful than we know. As a little factoid, the FDA has approved it for female bladder infections. (Saint S, Elmore JG, Sullivan SD, Emerson SS, Koepsell TD (September 1998). "The efficacy of silver alloy-coated urinary catheters in preventing urinary tract infection: a meta-analysis". The American Journal of Medicine 105 (3): 236–41. doi:10.1016/S0002-9343(98)00240-X. PMID 9753027.)

It's pretty well documented that Silver helps infections dramatically, and that's why I take colloidal silver in small amounts daily. Yes, I'm aware of the risks of Argyria and no, I don't think that I can come even come close to causing that with the doses I'm taking. The post doesn't intend to sell you something -- such as LDN -- and seems to be an honest opinion from someone who seems to have found something that works.

What do you guys think?
"The cause of Crohn's we have found is a combination of food allergies

That half a statement just strikes me as to vague. More specifically we have to see why these food allergies are happening in the first place. 30 years ago not many food allergies even existed and now too many people are popping up with the most strange food allergies. I believe it would be more useful to pinpoint what is causing the food allergy reaction.

Are the allergies because of intestinal permeability possibly through GMO's and other toxins, aflatoxins along with mycotoxins, because of additives? etc etc.

I find it strange they claimed to know the cause yet had such a vague explanation. Although I could entertain the second half of the statement.
infection with Mycoplasma/Mycobacteria, aggravated by Candida Albicans."

Silver is interesting though. I never did jump on the to idea of silver as a possible part of my treatment regimen although I am willing to research it further once again.

Thanks for the info.

I do believe that the MAP bacteria is the main cause of Crohns as my own personal research supports this. Candida is so common it could also be involved.

Other pathogens I have had that may be involved are one or more strains of E-Coli, H-Pylori.

One other pathogen that might be involved with fistulising Crohns is Mycoplasma Pnuemonia and possibly other strains of Mycoplasma. Not as sure of this one.

In the end though, it is the immune response to these pathogens that causes the damage.

There may be other coinfections also that can give us trouble. Even I am not that unlucky to have had every possible infection that is involved with Crohns.

I have only used colloidal silver for one short stint and the same with DMSO so I have no personal experience using them for Crohns.

Well I'm an imigrant from the former USSR I came to australia at the age of 7 as did alot of people I know back there we never knew what IBD was as during those times there were no take aways or much processed food alot of food was bought fresh at the market and I remember my grandma used to buy live chickens and do everything herself you know what I meaan don't wan't to get into detail.

Anyway fast forward some 15-20 years later and alot of us that came out here as kids started eating macca's kfc processed supermarket food etc... not all the time our mothers are good home cook's and alot of us that came out as kid's started developing crohn's as the first in our families developed between ages 16-25 some earlier some later so I beleive that there is connection there somewhere. I developed it after living here for 18 years now been here for 25 years and still seeing some people in our community develop it but just the kid's

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