Oh noes...

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Dec 6, 2011
Glad I found this thread, I think... LOL

I have a "bump" on my rear behind my anus, and it bleeds, sometimes profusely.

I saw a doctor about it in March, and she said it looked like a cyst that had just broken open, and if it was still bleeding in a week or so to follow up with her and she'd send me to a surgeon to close it up.

I never did follow up, and it still bleeds (not daily, but often), but it does feel flatter now, so I figured she was right about a cyst bursting.

I just had a colonoscopy which came out beautiful and healthy and pink, so obviously there was no sign of an internal fistula from the colon. I wonder if the small intestine sits low enough in the abdomen to cause a fistula in that area.

Hmmm, maybe I should follow up after all... No pus or bad smell or anything, just bleedin!

Thanks for posting, everyone who posted! It's good to know one is not alone, even when it comes to the disgusting!

It probably is a cyst or an abcess, might be re filling and draining which is why you are seeing blood. If it's not bothering you it's probably not a worry but if it doesn't heal up would be worth getting the doc to check again. I'm sure it's not a fistula, but that's just based on my experience, no expert knowledge. Glad your colonoscopy was clear, that's cause for celebration. Nothing is disgusting, just things people don't usually talk about, probably because they don't need to!
Thanks for your reply, dxw. :) I'm sure you're right. The more I think about it, and knowing my colon is clear it does seem very unlikely. And the fact that it's only blood is a good sign too.

I appreciate your feedback!
All the abscess/fistulas I've had leak a mixture of blood and puss, lots of it! So if it's just blood and you're not in pain and not running a fever... most likely not an abscess. Hope it gets better though!
Ditto to the above post, my fistulas always drain a mixture of blood and pus.

Is it a skin tag maybe? I have those too and they bleed when they are irritated, i.e. after going to the bathroom too many times.
Thanks Avw & AlliRuns :)

The Dr. that looked at it said it was a cyst, husband says skin tag... LOL

I'm so glad I came out of lurking - this forum is full of wonderfully kind and helpful people, and you all just saved me a $25 co-pay! Guess I'll have someone look at it when I'm in for something else... LOL

Juli :)
Well skin-tags are still no joke! My mom has tons and has to get irregular ones removed all the time and tested for melanoma... though I'm not sure if you get melanoma by your rear since you don't exactly get sunburns down there (LOL!) Anyway... you should still definitely get it checked out though!

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