Old crohn

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Feb 21, 2011
old crohn

Hello everyone,
My story began a the age of 10 with an intestinal blockage, my Dad was stationed with the forces in Ghana and I'm not sure the medical facilities were that advanced, but I was told that it could be crohns and it would probably settle down with time and it did. I had forgotten all about it even when 15 years later all of my joints started to ache badly, it took 10 years to be diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis by which time I was crippled with pain and strange IBS problems. I can't imagine the amount of pills I took in the next 15 years which did little to ease my condition to the point that I was looking at a life of crutches and wheelchairs. 3 years ago (I am now 53) I flew to Ireland to a friends wedding and was taken very ill with the same stomach pains I had suffered from all those years ago. I was reluctant to go to the local hospital as I was due to fly home the next day but the pain got so bad that I collapsed and was admited to Gallway hospital were I had an emergency Rt hemi colectomy.
About 60cms of me was removed. I flew back 2 weeks later feeling better than I had done for years and was put on Humira as soon as I had recovered which worked miracles.
Lately though the guts have been grumbling and I have started passing mucus and blood, I am very dissapointed. I am reluctant to see a doctor in case they pull the Humira which keeps me on my feet and working. Am I being foolish?
I live 5 minutes from Yeovil Hospital which means if anything critical happens I can be in there quickly.
I have a drawer full of pills and potions, Pentasa, Imeprazole, Questran and others, is it wise to self medicate and if so which one.
I am sorry to prattle on but I am slightly worried, their are so many knowledgeable people on this forum I was hoping someone might give me some good advise.

HI Andy :welcome: Glad you found your way here!I know how you feel and you want relief, I too have had Crohns over 20 years and symptoms since I 15... I also have a cupboard full of medicines and been on Remi, Humira and Cimzia is not here. Bleeding is never a good thing so I would have that checked out. I have Pentasa too, and it may help, to reduce inflammation. I am not a bleeder so I can`t help you there. You could try another biologic, Remi is more expensive but works better for most. If you have Diahreah, the Questran will help and keep the nutrition in and meds. Hang in there, when do you see a doctor next? What colour is the blood and how much?

Btw I meant to add don't be your own doctor, I had that in there but I made an :oops: and deleted it without realizing. Talk to your doctor, they will help you!
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Hi Welcome :)

I feel bad that your guts have been giving you trouble. I would NOT self medicate! I would contact your doctor and or make an appointment. It is dissapointing when symptoms start coming back but maybe you just need a little tweaking in the medicine that the doctor should do. It does not necessarily mean that you will be taken off the Humira. I am glad that you found your way to this forum as there are many helpful, knowledgeable, and supportive people here.

But please do not self medicate! Call or go to your doctor as they can see why you are feeling this way and prescribe the right medication for you.
Thanks for the quick replies.
The Humira I am lucky enough to get it free on the good old National Health but I am concerned that they could stop it if they think it's not working, it is a very pricey, although, if I remember correctly it was prescribed by my Rheumatologist, not my GI. Maybe there is hope. I think I will speak to my GP tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Hi Andy - I agree with Jenn - please don't try to self medicate! Best to see your doc and keep him/her apprised of your situation. Blood and mucus are a sign that something is going on.

Are you on Humira weekly? If not maybe you can look into upping your dose.

Welcome to the forum - I hope you find lots of good information here!

- Amy

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