Hi Dee, Welcome to the forum, I agree that everyone with Crohns has a different symtoms, reaction and treatment that they deal with.
I am 56 year old man, who was diagnosed back in the mid 1980's and have undergone two major resections and an adhesion in the bowel and between each hospitalisation have had some periods of remission. Recently I had a horrible reaction to the imuran in the last few weeks which landed me in hospital for 2 weeks with a visit to ICU for a few days in a seriously delirious state and also ended with blood clots in the lungs. I have just been approved to start the with Humira pen injection and am concerned about the side effects as well given my imuran incident. I am still willing to try the Humira pen as I am hoping something will eventually work, I was surprised to hear you had a 30 year remission, well done, the best I have had was 7-8years and each time my symtoms returned they have been different from the first time I was diagnosed.
Can you advise whether you used the humira pen of direct infusion and any other symtoms the humira gave you, so I can be aware when I start next week.
Again welocme to the forum I have learnt a lot in the few weeks I have joined.