On the Aza...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 8, 2011
Penryn, Cornwall UK
I have only been on the aza for a about a week and a half now and was only taking two tablets a day and I went to see my doctor today and he has said to move the dose up and start taking 3 tablets a day and I am so confused as to whether I will have more side effects to the ones I am already having on two at the minute and why he has moved me up onto three tablets. I'm not really having much luck at the minute with my crohn's :( So just wondering whether anyone else has had this happen to them or has had something similar happen??
It isn't uncommon for the dose to be moved up when you initially start treatment. There may be two reasons for this. Firstly, some doctors like to start you off slowly to see how you respond before moving you to you ideal dose. Secondly, if you had a TPMT test done beforehand some doctors will still start you on a lower dose until the results come then and then move you up to the dose you should be taking.

Dosage is calculated at 2-2.5mg per kilo of body weight.

What side effects are you having?

Dusty. xxx
I'm having Really bad pain and cramping in my bowel and feeling quite dizzy and I also don't really feel like eating very much and my bowel is giving me strange movements and is also loose. What was quite weird was as soon as I said that I was still having a little bit of blood and mucus he said straight away to move onto a higher dose, but then he said if the side effects get worse then to go back down, but what is the worst that could happen, I mean I haven't been in any sort of remission since I was 3 which is when they diagnosed me with it, I have been battling for remission for to long now and sometimes I just feel like giving up, but I know I can't :(.
When do you take your medication? Many people have issues with nausea and headaches/light headedness in the first few weeks so tend to take their Aza before bed and sleep through it.

I don't see the point of him ramping up the dose due to symptoms alone because it will take at least three months for the Aza to kick in and do its job.

Are you on any other meds to take care of the symptoms now? Like Prednisone.

Have you ever been on or considered Eneteral Nutrition as a way of settling your gut down?

Dusty. xxx
I do tend to take before I go to bed aswell but end up waking up in the morning feeling really weird. No I don't really see the point in doing what he has done either?? I'm not on any other meds, he did something stupid and even though I was only half way through reducing my dose on the prednisolone he just decided to stop that there and then which was stupid because when he did that I just kept on vomiting and feeling dizzy :( I haven't really considered that is there any adivce you would be able to give me on that??
Yep it was quite a dangerous thing, it was horrible I'm not sure if what he did is why I a having an even more of a bad time than I was before, my mum was not happy when he did that :O thank you for the link I shall have a look at that :).