Whatever decision you make will be in her best interest... none of these decisions are easy and none are ever made without our children's best interest in mind! No guilt allowed! :ghug:
But, re the formula...
Our insurance did not cover the formula, tube or otherwise. However, our hospital put us in touch with CCAC (a regional medical agency - might be in your area too??) who cover ed the cost over the initial period (we were not given a set time period). During this time, we tried to get insurance to cover but were denied. As we were denied, CCAC agreed to continue covering the cost (formula, equipment, supplies and monthly nurse visit) until S stopped using it as a treatment (partial or exclusive) (two+ years). As S always did tube feeding, I'm not sure if that would have been a requirement with CCAC, however, the formula did need to be through prescription from the GI.
S's formula was not drinkable. S was prescribed Tolerex by Nestle.
If I had to do it over again, I would still go with the tube. At one point, when S was doing partial (1500 cal/day), I did ask him if he'd prefer switching formulas to a drinkable shake and his answer was no. He said it was easier to simply insert the tube at night, ingest formula while sleeping and remove tube in morning - he didn't want the bother of having to drink a minimum number of shakes.
But, it's a bit different for your daughter... she's young, too young to learn to insert the tube on a daily basis, which means she needs to keep tube in. Not a big deal other than kids play and it might get pulled out... just something to consider.
Do you have a prescription for the formula? If not, can you get one? If you can get a prescription, get the tube equipment but let her continue drinking... who's to know?!? :lol:
The other option is Trillium health care - our hospital told us that the formula would be covered through Trillium (Ontario medical agency) if our private insurance didn't cover it. (In our case, because CCAC continued covering, I never needed to deal with Trillium.) However, I believe SupportiveMom once tried to get formula covered thru Trillium and wasn't able to??? IDK, Sick Kids' hospital nutritionist told me no one would be denied??
Hope some of this helps...