Pain near groin very worried

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Aug 6, 2010
I was released from the hospital for a Crohn's exacerbation this Monday. I was there for a week and given morphine, dilaudid, IV steroids and antibiotics (all switched to oral). I'm having pains in my pelvic area. For lack of a better way to explain the exact location since I'm not an MD, it's right in the crotch immediately above the base of the male reproductive organ. It doesn't feel like GI pain, and I wake up with it unable to move and my whole body in a knot. I often assume evacuating my bowels and/or bladder will ease the pain but it actually seems to make it worse most of the time. Does anybody else get this or know what this could be? I want to get it checked out asap as it's one of my main pains now and I fear it may be stones of sorts (somebody actually asked me if they checked for stones)
Could it be a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)? The fact that you are on antibiotics may make you prone to one. Do you have any of these symptoms? -

Abnormal or cloudy urine color
Frequent or urgent need to urinate
Foul or strong urine odour
Painful urination (dysuria)
Flank pain
Nausea and vomiting

I don't think you could rule out stones because of the severe pain. Pain like that isn't characteristic of a UTI.

Good idea to get it checked out ASAP.

Thanks. So you think maybe UTI or stones? I will be getting it checked out and will let you know what shows up when the time comes. I need to get in touch with my nurse before anything can happen.

Abnormal or cloudy urine color > CLOUDY
Frequent or urgent need to urinate > NO
Foul or strong urine odour > YES
Painful urination (dysuria) > NEAR THE BLADDER
Chills > NO
Fever > NO
Well your urine shouldn't be cloudy or foul smelling so if you can pick up a specimen jar from the doctor before you go to see him and then take a specimen along with you they can test it and it will give you an idea as to whether a UTI may be causing the problem.

Flank is your lower back. Sometimes the pain can radiate down the through the groin and to the front of your thigh.

Dusty. :)
Could it be a hernia? You did not mention a lump in that area...

"Inguinal hernias develop as the result of a weakness, tear, gap or opening in the muscle wall of the lower abdomen or groin at a region called the inguinal canal. As a result of this opening in the muscle, the contents of the abdomen, such as intestine, may protrude through the muscle creating localized pain and/or a bulge.

The pain and bulge may be constant or intermittent in duration and mild or severe in intensity. Inguinal Hernias are located in the lower abdomen (right side, left side or both) just above the leg crease, near or adjacent to the pubic area"
SOrry I did fail to mention they performed a CT scan of my bowels (to look for an abscess) which came back negative. Would the bladder infection, stones, or hernia have shown up on the scan?
Stones should but a bladder infection won't and a hernia is questionable because if it was going to show up at all it would need to be out at the time. As Joe said, you should have a lump if it's a hernia.

Dusty. :)
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I had a pretty painful time during my initial flair that was right at the base of the bladder like you describe. It resulted from pressure being applied to a nerve at the base of the bladder. It felt like I had to pee often but when I tried there was almost nothing to come out and hurt even more.

Hope you get it sorted soon and get some rest.
I am dealing with UTI as we speak as a consequence post surgery of having a Foley for over a month. The symptoms you are describing dont sound as UTI but that is easy to check. Do you have sharp pain? (1 to 10?) does it come and go?
As Dusty said above, sometimes pain radiate and the source is somewhere else.
I hope it is resolved soon
Hope you get some relief soon, UTIs really hurt!
we have glands either side down there, they do swell and hurt when infection is creeping in, the body tries to stop infection by releasing anti bodies to ward them off, usually a course of anti biotics will do the trick, I would see your doctor.
Crohnadian I have/had the same thing off and on over the past 6 weeks and it is coinciding with a mild flareup of Crohns. I originally made an appointment with my doctor thinking it was a hernia since I recently started doing more situps, and the pain feels close to the service. Then I cancelled my appointment a few days later when it started getting better. Actually its not really a pain, more like an unusual tightness or something?

Anyway, its gone now but took quite a while to go away. My crohns symptoms are getting better too so that reinforces my belief that they are connected.

I wouldn't worry about it unless it gets a lot worse and goes on for a couple weeks.

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