Parental access to medical records after age 13?

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Nov 12, 2011
DS just turned 13 a couple of weeks ago and now I can no longer see his records through the online access (thank goodness I have paper copies of everything!). Has anyone else run into this? It might just be a Minnesota thing, but I'm not sure. I have a vague recollection of our primary doctor mentioning it coming up and I believe DS just needs to sign a form to give me access again?

On a slightly different frustration, I can't access DS's online mail order pharmacy record either since my husband is the one who carries the insurance. I have to log in as my husband to refill Rx's. Annoying. Excuse me, but I'M the one with bags under her eyes from staying up all night with sick kiddos.

Sorry, just needed a little rant (and credit where credit is due, thankyouverymuch).
I think this happens all over the world, the age just vary. My two oldest daughters are over 16 years so they have signed a form to let me get their test results.

Sarah's GI discuss all results over the phone with me.
Nope in us some start limiting at 11... With some stuff ... More at 13/14 ... Definitely by 16.
Tons of fun to be had . They just need you to sign ( to pay until 18)
UK is 16, but can refuse access to records if younger and Doctor feels it is in their best interests!!

Jaime had to sign to say I could get access to and discuss her records.
I don't know if this will be helpful to you Mehita but it does contain fab info on obtaining medical records in the US and there are loads of useful links at the bottom of the first page.

Dusty. :)

If what will be helpful??

My son went through age 13 w/o any glitch in med records. I'm surprised age 13 would be a cutoff anywhere!
????? What the heck? This makes no sense. Johnny will be 13 on Wednesday and there is a notification that my access to My Chart shuts off but I just thought it needed to be renewed every year at his birthday. Makes no sense what so ever! Are they trying to drive us moms (and dads Dexky) crazy????:yrolleyes:
I found this on our clinic/hospital web page in the FAQ:

Q. May I access my children’s medical records?
A. Yes. You are granted full authority by proxy to access your child’s medical chart if your child is between the ages of 0-12. If your child is between the ages of 13-17 you will be granted partial access to his or her record. These age ranges comply with the state regulations, MN.Statute 144.292, designed to protect minors who seek treatment for pregnancy, chemical abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. For further information on access to your child’s medical records please contact the MyChart representative at your primary care clinic.

So, it does vary by location depending on your state laws. DS can sign a form to release his records to me, but he has to do it in person (hmmm, wonder who will drive him there?!? ME!) and the one signature is good to age 18.
Stephen just had to send the GIs office a note saying that he granted permission for me to access all his medical records and discuss any medical issue.

When he was at the children's hospital, to obtain a copy of his entire file, he did have to sign off on the form (12 years and up) but I never had any issue with the GI department re copies, emails, discussions, etc.
...designed to protect minors who seek treatment for pregnancy, chemical abuse and sexually transmitted diseases.

-I asked DS if he's planning to become pregnant. "Uh, no mom."
-I asked if he's going abuse chemicals. "I already take too many pills."
-I asked if he plans on acquiring sexually transmitted diseases. "I don't like girls THAT much."

That's my boy! :)
Do any of you need the ^&*&^% govt. (state or federal) to tell you that you have the right to your child's medical records??? Especially before they are a legal adult??? EFFFFFFFFFFFF em!!! God bless Texas!!!
We haven't faced any access issues with my son, he is 16 now and we live in Georgia. I did ask a while back and I think they said access until 18.

My non-IBD daughter was given the form when she was 18 and the nurse explained the purpose of the form to her. My daughter told the nurse she wouldn't want to face the financial repercussions of not signing the form. HA!
Sarah is fully independent now so I leave it up to her BUT I do insist that she obtains copies of everything. I also insist the important info is then passed onto me. :biggrin: Matt is 19 and still at home and I'm not saying anything on the grounds that it may incriminate me! :lol2:

Dusty. :wink:
Still have access to Jack's at 13 but I think it is 14 here, however the staff at the GI was not sure so we are all just waiting a few more months to see what happens at 14.
Argh! We logged in to our online health insurance page today because we were questioning some of the hospital bills we were getting... we couldn't see anything related to DS!! It said because he is 13 now, he needs to set up his own account. Correct me if I'm wrong, but health insurance is the last thing on a 13 year old boys radar. WTH?

Fine. So my husband created an account for DS. We asked DS if he cared and of course he didn't. We get through the whole process only to find out that for minors aged 13-18, they mail a PIN that will arrive in ten days. It's their way of entitling more privacy for minors.

This is all so stupid.
This is all so stupid.

It surely is...:(

A thirteen year old can't consent to surgery because there would always be a question that they fully understood what was to occur and yet they are going to understand navigating your insurance and how that relates to his care, yeah right...sheesh...:yrolleyes:

Just another spanner in the works that you can well do without. :ghug:

Dusty. :heart:
Wow, Mehita so sorry you are having to deal with that on top of everything! Sometimes I am amazed at some of the laws/rules/regulations that are established as they seem to have no rhyme or reason. "At 13 you can't give legal consent for surgery but after your parents ok the surgery you have primary control of privacy over the ins. bills that your parents will have to pay." Hmmm...that sounds logical...not.

So crazy, hope DS is doing well though!
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Not a parent so forgive me for invading. But I wanted to add my 2 cents.
I remember that after I turned 13 doctors would privately ask me if my mom could be in the room ( I knew better than to say no :p) but as far as anything else, my mom still had full control. Maybe it has to deal with puberty? Kids are afraid to ask questions in front of their parents?
Don't get me wrong, I agree with all of you. How much of their health do they truly understand? Can they make good decisions for their health when it comes to something so involved like Crohn's? Probably not.
It has to do with privacy interms of "adult like "diseases some kids get into by that age. - pregnancy etc...
Which could effect how Ibd was treated etc so...
Just annoying.
We have a few years but I am sure the age could be changed by then.
Once my kids turned 13, their GP always scheduled 'private' time with them as part of their annual check up. She would talk with just them, do their examination and then I would go in to finish up the apptmt and discuss any issues, questions, etc. I always liked the way she did it.

Stephen has a new GP and was already 18 when he started with him. When we went for his initial consultation and first annual physical, (not sure how I brought it up) but I did tell the doctor I would come in to pass along any info that I thought he needed to know (primarily about crohns) and then would leave the office to give Stephen privacy.

The last time Stephen went to the GP, some sort of follow up??, I had S go on his own. The GP and I had previously discussed getting a second opinion, so when S went to this apptmt, I gave S all the info, made sure he was LISTENING to me :lol: and, to be safe, wrote my comments/questions on a note to the doctor. EVERYTHING got messed up!!!! Second opinion didn't go through, GP couldn't give some answers as he didn't understand some of my questions (or so S says??? S may have just forgotten the answers by the time he got home!), etc. Very frustrating and created a lot of confusion and follow-up calls, etc. for me!!!

But, it's a learning process...:yrolleyes:
Well apparently Tennessee also requires permission be granted by 13 yr olds. My wife just told me EJ had to sign a form granting us continued access:ymad:
We get through the whole process only to find out that for minors aged 13-18, they mail a PIN that will arrive in ten days. It's their way of entitling more privacy for minors.

This is all so stupid.

Oh right! Because as parents you would NEVER open the envelope and get the PIN for yourselves.

O's hospital has NO online access to records so I wouldn't know what the rule is here. I barely get anything about results anyway except an email from the nurse saying, "looks good" or a call saying, "doc wants to see you" and I haven't pushed the issue with the doc's office.

I know I have let the whole forum down by not getting all the details but I know me. If I got them I would obsess over every detail and movement one way or the other so it is just safer for me, the doc and all of you if I don't get that info;)

But yeah, decisions on care, surgeries, insurance etc heck! IMO have to be made by me to I should have access to everything I need! ERGH!
HA! Just checked CT law...18 here BUT any information pertaining to STD, Birth control, drug or alcohol abuse treatment, HIV or mental illness will not be released without a minor's authorization. I could understand that.

So we all have to live in Texas or Connecticut!

Oh yeah and found out our hospital will be getting my chart...just as soon as they get all offices converted to electronic files:yfaint: I swear O's doc is the last holdout. He still likes flipping through the papers in the big fat folder!
Oh right! Because as parents you would NEVER open the envelope and get the PIN.

The envelope came yesterday. I handed it to DS. He rolled his eyes at me, :yrolleyes: opened it and handed it right back. Didn't even look at it.

What's frustrating too is that we sent in poop tests on Friday and I KNOW the results are back, but since I can't see him in My Chart anymore, I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Twiddling is not my forte.
I just assumed it was 18. We just got all of our 16 year old son's medical records sent to us, no questions asked. (Colorado).

Their should be one age for adulthood imo. 21 sounds about right to me.
It is very inconvenient, I agree.

But I do volunteer work with women and children recovering from trauma, who may be homeless or in foster care. I strongly agree that some protections need to be in place for the young women and men who are most at risk of abuse and neglect - regardless of the relative wealth or poverty of their family. You are right that a 13 year old will rarely have the maturity to make health care decisions - but sometimes the situation requires it.

As for the multiple online My Chart accounts, health insurance accounts, billing departments, online pharmacy accounts and who knows what else, well I have spent a considerable amount of my time impersonating a variety of family members on the phone and on line for the past 20 years. :hallo3:

So much so I sometimes can't remember who I am when I am making a call. I've taken to writing it down on a note right in front of me so I don't forget midway who it is I said that I am - or is that was? :ybatty:

Unfortunately I doubt that I will be successful impersonating my son on the phone - at least to anyone who actually has met him. Just can't quite duplicate that bass rumble that goes with the whiskers. Did I mention he has to shave every day or he has a beard?

:bigsmurf: :bigsmurf: :bigsmurf: :bigsmurf: :bigsmurf: :bigsmurf: :bigsmurf: :bigsmurf:

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