Parents with kid's on Cimzia?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 28, 2012
Hello! I usually don't hang around here(I'm just a teen) & I am supposed to be starting Cimzia next friday. I've been on 95% of the other drugs w/ the exception of Imuran/6MP/Methotrexate. The only issue is my Rhuemy(I get my biologics through him. MUCH cheaper. If your kids have joint issues you should see a rhuemy, if not just for the cheaper medicines) said that it's not FDA approved & they have issues getting this med for kids under 18. Have ya'll had any issues with this when your kids started Cimzia?

Hey Keepingfaith,

No experience with Cimzia here but I will call Crohn's Mom in on this one. I may well be wrong but I think her daughter Gab's is the only one I have seen in this particular forum on Cimzia.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Ne experience with this type of drug. I'm interested in learning more about drugs like tis. My 3 yr. old has bad knee pains off and on. I won't put her on anything until I have too. It's good to know options. Thanks for asking and sorry your going through this.

Farmer wife,

Sulfasalazine is supposed to help with joint pain & my Rhuematologist said it's best to get the biologics through rhuematologists rather than GI's because they Rhuemy's have a better relationship with financial aide programs & I think they also offer more financial aide programs. I'm sure if ya'll are anything like my parents ya'll have good jobs & make a decent salary but it still would help to get financial help from things in addition to your insurance with these medications being so expensive! :)

Thanks anyways! Ya'll are amazing!
Hi Keeping Faith,
My daughter's doctor wanted to put her on cimzia but I didn't want it because she is under 18 and so at increased risk for those bad side effects. She is currently on LDN have you tried it? We are quite happy with it. SHe is doing really well. I like your suggestion about seeing a rheumy for the joint pain. My daughter still has some joint pain on and off and I was thinking about maybe taking her to a rheumy to see what they have to offer.
I get your concern. Half of the meds I've been on(even for dang butt cream! It's literally just the kind of paste you can get from walmart!) I can't get because of the FDA.

I have looked into LDN but my docs don't think it's for me & I personally know of many people it hasn't worked for. I've only known of one who is still taking it & he takes it in addition to his Humira so kinda hard to tell which is helping him, ya know?

The rhuemys have some awsome creams from hydrocortisone cream to just some jelly stuff(no idea what's in it & it works so good I don't even care!). My mom gets super worried about these risky meds & she feels very comfortable with the ointments & DMARDS(like sulfasalazine)the doctors have to offer. It's something worth looking in but don't get your hopes up too high because they are Rhuemys, not GI's. My poor dad has no idea what these meds are; he just wants me back to my healthy self.