I hope it's ok for me to post here. I am wife to a very lovely man who has Crohn's. He was diagnosed in September 2009 after a bad flare up. He spent 5 days in hospital and a colonoscopy confirmed Crohn's. He was put on steroids (prednisone?) which didn't work and eventually he changed to immunosuppressants (azertheprine) which have kept him in remission. Late 2011 my husband came off them to TTC our third baby, he was worried that noone could say for definite they were safe although they probably were. We concieved after six months but the damage was done and a part of DHs bowel had to be surgically removed. He had a right hemi-collectamy last August which was a success and he now has 45 cm less bowel and very loose frequent stools. I felt so helpless watching him recover from surgery. They had planned to do key hole but found his bowel was fused to his ureta (tube to the kidneys) and so needed to do open surgery. He has a large vertical scar.
He's doing great again now and we have three healthy children all under 5. My baby is 5 months now, we also have a 2.5 year old and a 4 year old. They're great kids but obviously hard work. Dh works full time and I am on maternity leave, I usually work part time. I am just struggling with having patience with dh and his toilet needs. He goes to the loo every few hours and can be on there for up to 25 minutes. I know sometimes he stays in there long after he's finished so he can play a game on his phone etc and I get so frustrated that meanwhile I am managing the kids needs myself and I never seem to get time for me. I breastfeed our youngest so I can't leave her yet. Sometimes when he's on the loo I feel so angry at him. I know it's not his fault and I know I'm being unreasonable. Please can you help me to be more understanding and helpful. I feel so bad that I get annoyed at his condition which I know is very real and horrible.
He's doing great again now and we have three healthy children all under 5. My baby is 5 months now, we also have a 2.5 year old and a 4 year old. They're great kids but obviously hard work. Dh works full time and I am on maternity leave, I usually work part time. I am just struggling with having patience with dh and his toilet needs. He goes to the loo every few hours and can be on there for up to 25 minutes. I know sometimes he stays in there long after he's finished so he can play a game on his phone etc and I get so frustrated that meanwhile I am managing the kids needs myself and I never seem to get time for me. I breastfeed our youngest so I can't leave her yet. Sometimes when he's on the loo I feel so angry at him. I know it's not his fault and I know I'm being unreasonable. Please can you help me to be more understanding and helpful. I feel so bad that I get annoyed at his condition which I know is very real and horrible.