I haven't done Moviprep, but I've done the US version of Picolax, which is called Prepopik (my understanding is that it's the exact same thing, just a different name). Yes, Prepopik/Picolax is actually quite easy to do. I had to drink a small cup of the laxative, and it didn't taste bad. Then I had to consume a certain amount of clear liquids of my choice to stay hydrated. About 4 hours later, I had to have a second cup of the Prepopik and that was it as far as the laxative that I was prescribed. Very easy to drink and keep down!
My only complaint was, it didn't work very well for me. I only used the bathroom a handful of times and I was sure that I wasn't cleaned out well enough. I had some dulcolax on hand, so I took some of those. I still wasn't going to the bathroom enough, so I took even more dulcolax. In the end, I think I took 10 of them - not advisable. I'm not sure if it was the Prepopik or the dulcolax or both, but things finally kicked in the morning of my scope - right as I arrived at the GI clinic! I got there an hour before my scope, and I spent that hour running to the bathroom. Even after they hooked me up to the monitors and IV and so on, I'd have to quickly unplug myself and grab my IV stand and run to the bathroom. Fortunately, when I had my scope, I was cleaned out well enough, but it felt like a close call.
So, I can't say that it wasn't less of an ordeal than other preps that I've done - it was just a different type of ordeal! It was very easy to get down but not strong enough for me, or didn't kick in fast enough for me, I'm not sure which. If I had to do that prep again, I'd start it earlier than my instructions said to, just to be on the safe side. And I'd either eat very lightly or not at all the day before doing prep, so that there'd be less in me to clean out. I hope that helps! Good luck!