Pork is officially off my list :(

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Jun 7, 2012
The last time I ate bacon I didn't feel too well. Just had ham for Easter dinner and within an hour I almost didn't make it to the bathroom on time. I'm pretty sure that there is nothing left in me to upset my stomach. I'm light headed and still very nauseous from the pain I was in. I've had Crohn's for at least 8 years, pork has never bothered me before. Has anyone else's tolerance list suddenly changed? Do you think it's a sign of disease progression?
Awe that sucks. Yeah I have had trigger foods change. I used to be fine with dairy, now even one glass of milk is iffy. Steak used to be fine, now it's a no go.
I've had things change but I've also had things go back on the "safe" list. I currently can't do any tomato products (spaghetti sauce, etc) as it's just way too acidic and causes too much trouble. But, when I first got sick I had a lot of trouble with turkey bacon. Since last year, however, I've been able to eat turkey bacon again without any trouble. It's weird how that works out. Anyway, my point is, perhaps someday pork will become a safe food for you again like how turkey bacon is for me.
I find for me the more inflamed I am the more things I can't eat. I'd make an appointment to see your GI.
Are you certain it wasn't the method of preparation? I do think there is a chance that bacon may not fully agree with my bowels. That really has me unhappy. After being around this earth for 45 years, finally discovering how good a BBQ chicken, bacon and lettuce sandwich is only to possibly lose them less than a year after the fact. In any case, if you can't pinpoint any other possible cause, it may be better to avoid it for a while. If other safe foods suddenly seem unsafe, it may be time to escalate things with your GI.
I find that I can't eat most processed, including smoked - meats or fish - no bacon, ham, smoked salmon, smoked chicken, etc. I am not sure whether it's what they add or the process itself. I'm fine with unprocessed meat and fish, so pork (but not bacon or ham) might be okay for you.
Nitrates and nitrites are frequently added to processed meats like bacon, ham, sausages and hot dogs. They function as preservatives, helping to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. I had to stop eating anything with nitrates, and eventually became vegetarian.
I had Mac n cheese on many occasions with no issues, then on one blue moon I made it again and didn't make it to the bathroom. I though Mac n cheese was off my list for good. But I tried it again a couple months later because I never learn. And had no issues. This leads me to believe that there is no absolutes. Try a small amount again in a couple weeks. Bacon is just delicious human treats. Dont give up
I can't handle pork at all (God, how I miss bacon!!). Same with red meat of any kind. Suprisingly I can now tolerate veggies...every day it's different it seems!
No pork for me! I feel it's a really bulky meat and could cause a blockage. I never even crave it. The only meat I crave is fried chicken, but I can't eat that either without instant pain/bloating/d.
I buy simulated bacon bits (made from soy). You can add those to salads, pizza, nachos etc. and they taste like bacon.
Are you certain it wasn't the method of preparation? I do think there is a chance that bacon may not fully agree with my bowels. That really has me unhappy. After being around this earth for 45 years, finally discovering how good a BBQ chicken, bacon and lettuce sandwich is only to possibly lose them less than a year after the fact. In any case, if you can't pinpoint any other possible cause, it may be better to avoid it for a while. If other safe foods suddenly seem unsafe, it may be time to escalate things with your GI.

Are you sure it's not just the BBQ sauce? I have had to try different ones and some bother me while others don't. You could always make one too, it's not hard, just time consuming depending on how complex you like it. Could also be the lettuce.
I can't cope with anything very fatty or oily, or milky. I can tolerate small amount of milk in my tea but if I have a bowl of cereal then I'm in trouble. I've started eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and cut out bread as much as possible and I've noticed a difference. Its very hard trying to figure out what works and what doesn't!
As others have said, nitrates / perservatives, bbq, also oils used to fry / cook it in. I cannot do canola which is used in a lot of cooking sprays / oils.
Still not feeling very well and my Remicade infusion has been delayed. We went out to a mexican restaurant for lunch for my boss's birthday. I ate tortilla soup, it didn't have very many spices in it, it didn't have beans (or pork), it wasn't tomato based, I thought it was safe. I had to go home after lunch.
I am not having D, I will count that as a blessing. But the cramps and nausea are getting worse.
I'm about to eat some grilled chicken and mashed potatos. Lets hope it doesn't make me sick
I too had issues following Easter lunch...so not sure if it was the ham or any of the other stuff I ate.

How does one tell what foods are triggers, unless you only eat one item at a time for a meal? I'm having a hard time figuring out what causes an issue, since most of my meals have multiple foods. Like Easter lunch was ham, twice baked potatoes, salad, rolls, deviled eggs... It could be any of those things (or all of them:eek2:)

One thing I know for sure is that I cannot tolerate anything fried now...its a sure thing I'll end up with diarrhea.

Hope you are feeling better soon!!!
been vegetarian since being diagnosed. One of my first observations was worsening of some symptoms after consuming meat. even when symptoms are low I do not consume meat. tosn of science show excessive protien isn't healthy, but fish is different it seems, we may need some fish a few time per week.
I have been in remission for the most part for the last 5 1/2 years. I had a few bumps, but this is not a bump. Definitely a flare. Its been so long, I have forgotten what foods triggered symptoms before or what I ate to be safe. I don't remember bloating being a problem but BOY is my abdomen swollen today (more than usual, considering the circumstances) I look and feel like a marshmellow :(
On Sunday I had one bout of D. After that, up until today, I was actually kind of constipated. I did have D today, and I am hoping that I won't tomorrow because I am going to be at the ballpark (GO RANGERS) all day tomorrow for our home opener and having D will really put a damper on things

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