I am frustrated. I just came back from holidays and when I left I was feeling good and healthy. Now that I am back, I have major cramps and diarrhea many times a day and my fistula has become quite painful. I'm not sure if I am flaring or it was just the food I ate over my holidays. My flares usually include a lot of inflammation and I don't have any. The first weekend was not too bad, but I actually ate in a McDonald's twice and I have not eaten in one since before I was diagnosed in January. We then went to stay with family and I was able to eat properly, but then during our travel home I we ate quick and a little junky. By the last day of travel I was in a lot of pain and running to the bathroom often. It was not fun when you are stuck in a car for seven hours. Today, seems a little better. I still have diarrhea, but the pain does not seem too intense like the last few days. I am hoping the Imuran has not stopped working, because the next step is Remicade and my plan only covers 80% of the cost. I am giving it a few days so my body can get used to the low residue diet and see if that will help before I contact my doctor. Wish me luck!