Possibly the wierdest question yet...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 7, 2009
Ok, I know that there have been many strange things brought up on this forum, but this is one I haven't seen before and to be honest, am a little too embarrassed to even call my doctor about. But here goes...

Recently my stools have been coming out in two pieces, side by side. They are hard thin strands and there are two of them. It's like the stool is spilt in half by something. It has been very painful to get them out, one spot in particular. I have a history of fistulizing Crohn's in the rectum, but I'm pretty sure that's not what's going on here...way too big to be coming through a fistula. It's very bizzarre. Could this be a hemeroid or something? Has anyone had anything similar happen to them?
you should call your doctor. I think an adhesion can do that. better to be safe than sorry.
Yeah I agree with Carrie, go see your doctor. Try not to be embarrassed! They are there to help and most likely are accustomed to these 'weird' things go on especially if they are an IBD dr. It's a matter of your health. Good luck! And keep us posted!
This is nothing to be embarrassed about. I have never heard of this but it is definitely not normal. Especially since it's so painful I'm going to second what the others have said and say GO SEE YOUR DOC!

Hope you get it figured out and feel better soon.
you should call your doctor. I think an adhesion can do that. better to be safe than sorry.

Despite having Crohn's for 8 years, I know very little about adhesions. My last colonoscopy in April was very clean. The report said "evidence of scar tissue suggesting Crohn's in remission". Would my doc have seen an adhesion? Could something have developed since then? Or could that be the scar tissue he was referring to?
I know it's embarrassing, but if you think about it, you've probably told your doctor worse already. And you know the doctor has seen some crazy **** (literally) in person. This isn't going to be the thing that grosses them out.
adhesions can take months or years to cause trouble. I'd think if you had an adhesion inside your bowels it would have been noticed in the c-scope, but I don't think they necessarily can tell if there are adhesions on the outside of the bowels without surgery. I'm pretty sure that any scar tissue can potentially turn into an adhesion if it gets re-irritated.
adhesions are scar tissue. To be honest your doc has to deal with a lot worse so don't be embarrased thin poo is a sign of narrowing so better to get it checked before there is no poo due to a blockage.

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