Post Ileocecectomy concerns

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May 23, 2012
Hi everybody I'm new here and this is my first post. I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease and just had an operation in which they removed 40cm of my small intestine in terminal ileum and part of the colon because it was so inflamed. The surgery was last Thursday and yesterday i had my first BM since surgery but it was a liquid dark reddish color and has been like that each time ive went. I assume it is old blood from the surgery or something. Anyone else experience that? Also I have very frequent urges to have a BM. Is that normal? Does it go away? Thanks
Hi had the same surgery as you but didn't experience the blood in stools after I think this is normal as I've heard other people talk about it and eventually goes. Diarrrhea is common after ileo resection due tothe loss of the ic valve however it does sometimes improve with time but not everyone experiences this loose stools are common. Personally I did go back to normal then to slightly constipated with occasional bad d days it's a bit of a mixed bag but that's my normal. Hopefully yours will level out soon and hope you have a speedy recovery
Ive been pretty good!! I have my good and my bad days but for the most part ive been doing well. It took a couple months to get back to normal but i feel much better than before i had my surgery! I wish you luck on surgery and i hope all goes well!

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