Post OP with lots of D

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Oct 12, 2011
Hi everyone,

I had surgery this past Wednesday, November 2nd. Later in the day I started a clear liquid diet and was actually feeling great other than being sore from surgery.

The next day I continued clear liquids and had some beef broth for dinner. That night I became extremely nauseous and had terrible heartburn.

This morning (Friday) I vomited up pure beef broth a couple times and felt much better. Since then I haven't really drank anything, just ice chips and a small amount of water.

Nausea has subsided but the big D has hit and hit hard. It is pure liquid and I can't even feel it come on. I can't control it and it looks like the color of my TPN liquid with bits of fecal matter in it.

Anyone experience this post op? I had a resection with 2 sections removed -- one in the small bowel and one where the small meets the large. Around 3-4 feet total. I also had multiple fistulas and a small perforation.

Thanks in advance,
Wow, that's quick to start on clear fluids!

With that amount of bowel removed it is quite likely that you will experience diarrhoea due to the inability to absorb bile salts, it is not uncommon and for some people it settles over time but for others it doesn't, my daughter being one for which didn't. There is a medication that can be prescribed called Questran, it is a powder that is designed to absorb these salts and therefore bulk up your stool. Perhaps you could speak to your doctor about it?

On a side note...Questran worked for my daughter but she found it too unpalatable, she was younger at the time though. Instead she uses natural psyllium husks and they work a treat for her.

Dusty. xxx
Dusty - I just had my post-op follow up appointment with my surgeon yesterday, and that is almost exactly what he said. It's been nearly a month since my surgery, and I've had nothing but loose stools multiple times a day. He told me that as I've had so much bowel removed from the last resection, and then this current one, my stools may never be formed again. I knew that you had mentioned on another thread that your daughter had the same issue. I think I may try the Psyllium husks and see if they help a bit.

My surgeon warned me that I only have about 30cm of small bowel left to work with. If I lose close to or more than that, I am looking at IV supplementation at least once a week for the rest of my life due to absorption issues. That scared the crap out of me! I'm not even 35 yet! Has your daughter gotten any warnings like this? What type of diet is she on? I still need to make a follow up with my GI, and obviously I need to ask him all of these questions, but I was kind of in shock. I just wasn't expecting that kind of news.

And I also have thinning of the abdominal wall, most likely from being on prednisone over the years. Mostly it is just going to make me more prone to developing hernias. Awesome.
Thanks Dusty. My doctor just stopped in and told me my C-Diff results were negative. He also is starting me on Questran as you mentioned. I'll let you know how it works out.

@Chris - I hope it does the trick for you! Good luck...:)

@Sarah - My Sarah hasn't had the amount of bowel removed you have so those extreme issues with malabsorption are not on the horizon for her. I'm not surprised it scared the hell out of you! :eek2: Did the doc not mention Questran Lite to you?...It is pretty inoffensive as far as side effects is concerned but one thing it can cause is bloating and cramping, just what you need with Crohn's!, and aside from the texture that is what Sarah found happened with her, as did the other type of meds like Imodium and Lomotil. The more commercial products of psyllium like, Benefibre and Metamucil, also had that affect so I can only assume there may be something else added to their product??? It's the natural psyllium from the health food section of the supermarket that she uses.
Sarah has been on an organic vegan diet for over 12 months now and she finds it gives her loads of energy and she feels well on it. I don't know how vegan will suit you, reading through the issues many here have with diet I know that many wouldn't be able to tolerate it.
The other thing that is an absolute trigger as far as diarrhoea is concerned, now that she has it under control, is oil or fat of any kind, from cooking oils right through to salad oils.
So much so that if she has a day that she doesn't use her bowels which invariably causes her bloating and discomfort she adds dressing to her salad and she is going in no time.

Dusty. xxx
The doc didn't mention any type of meds at all, I haven't seen my GI for a follow up yet. I have a list already a million miles long for him about diet, nutrition, maintenance meds, etc. The surgeon basically gave me all the facts and said that I needed to work out an aggressive treatment plan for my disease with my GI to avoid problems in the future. I am still trying to figure out what I can and can't eat right now. I don't think I could go vegan, but I want to add more fruits and veggies as I can tolerate them. I just could not eat them before. I may be only able to juice them now, who knows!

Thanks for all the info!
i've had loose stools now for 10 years, and personally while they're far from ideal I've got used to it.

There are days when I long for the feeling of having to force a poo out, as mostly mine evacuate with tremendous pressure (especially at work where I can't let the wind out as frequently as usual).

I looked into a few medical options to harden the stools up, but to be honest I thought putting more chemicals into my system simply to have a solid poo didn't seem like the right thing to do.
The diarrhea isn't really bothering me so much anymore, it is mostly just the first couple of hours in the morning when I am going pretty much every 20 min. I am terribly bloated, it seems everything gives me gas! I'm not having a problem passing it, but it seems as soon as I do I immediately bloat right back up. At first I thought it was what I was eating, but it just seems to be everything. If I eat a lot of small snacks as opposed to larger meals it isn't as bad, but it still catches up to me in the evening and I have been going to bed very bloated and uncomfortable every night.

More and more questions for my GI appointment!
Update: Still in the hospital and not doing well. The pain has gotten really bad and diarrhea hasn't subsided (despite me not eating anything). Docs don't seem to have any answers either, just throwing different medicines at me, blood transfusions, and iron transfusions.

How long is there typically abdominal pain after surgery? I had my surgery 1 week ago tomorrow and the pain isn't getting any better. IV pushed Dilaudid takes the edge off for an hour or two but I can't live on narcotics.

This is mentally draining and I'm rapidly losing faith. Any insight would be helpful and appreciated.

Update: Still in the hospital and not doing well. The pain has gotten really bad and diarrhea hasn't subsided (despite me not eating anything). Docs don't seem to have any answers either, just throwing different medicines at me, blood transfusions, and iron transfusions.

How long is there typically abdominal pain after surgery? I had my surgery 1 week ago tomorrow and the pain isn't getting any better. IV pushed Dilaudid takes the edge off for an hour or two but I can't live on narcotics.

This is mentally draining and I'm rapidly losing faith. Any insight would be helpful and appreciated.


Chris, something isnt right here. Can they do a CT scan ASAP??
Was your surgery laproscopic? If so they fill you up with air to do it. After my husbands resection he had BAD gas pains for weeks. He had to get up and walk around to help ease the pain...he said it was extremely uncomfortable. This might be what is going on with you.
Update: Its been a while since I've posted here. I had some up days and some down days. Still in the hospital (3 weeks tomorrow), but am improving. Bowels took a while to wake up but I believe they have finally gotten off their lazy *****. :thumleft:

I had a GI series done and it confirmed that the surgery went well. No leaks, folds, twists, kinks, etc. After that my GI doc wanted a CT scan as I was running a low grade fever every now and then. Glad he did because I ended up having an abscess in my pelvis. :frown:

Last night docs drained 50mL and put a tube in to let it drain. Now I'm not only stuck to an IV pole, but I have to carry around a drainage bag attached to my butt cheek, lol.

They took me off TPN as I started eating. Today I will try to eat 3 meals and hopefully there won't be any repercussions.

The most frustrating thing is I was house shopping prior to my flare. I received an email alert about a house that was just listed, has everything I'm looking for, and is well within my budget! Of course I can't look at it until I'm out of here. I hope its not under contract by the time I get out! :shifty:

Thanks for following and especially everyone's advice and encouragement. It really helps to have someone at the other end of the internet that understands what we all go through.
Hi Chris I hope you continue to get stronger and hopefully get to go home soon!! I went through almost the exact same thing as you in June and I was miserable. You still have a ways to go before the pain/soreness subsides, but you will get through it and hopefully this will be all for the better. Good luck with your recovery!!
Chris, thank you for updating. (erm....did you get a chance to have someone help you with the house you wanted??)

Glad you are on the mend. I know you still have a ways to go, but you WILL get back to health!!!
Thanks for the update Chris. Glad to see your internals seem to be settling down - you must be so relieved!

While you're there just remember matey, we're wishing a speedy recovery :) I've just eaten my first 'normal' meal in months and it's definitely worth the wait!

As for the house - they usually take quite a while to go under contract so here's for hoping! :)

Get well soon buddy!
Thanks for the update Chris. Glad to see your internals seem to be settling down - you must be so relieved!

While you're there just remember matey, we're wishing a speedy recovery :) I've just eaten my first 'normal' meal in months and it's definitely worth the wait!

As for the house - they usually take quite a while to go under contract so here's for hoping! :)

Get well soon buddy!

Not in the USA're under contract when an offer is accepted! (wish it was that way in the UK!)

Surely Chris....after all you've been thru, you'll get the house you want!!!
Thanks everyone for the replies. I got out of the hospital a couple days ago and have been home. Pain has been OK but I've been having terrible sweats and chills. I can't seem to get comfortable and pour sweat any time I lay down or even start to sleep. I had to change my clothes 3 times last night. :(

Anyone have any problems with night sweats? What could be causing this? Is it because I had dilaudid for pain in the hospital and now am off it? Or could it be another abscess?

Thanks in advance everyone. By the way, I did check out the house but I wasn't sold on it. Probably best to wait until I'm 100% and back to work anyway.
I had exactly the same thing last time I was on prednisolone. What are you taking at the moment mate? Night sweats are common, but I found them very uncomfortable to deal with :-(
ChrisP...I must assume you are NOT a menopausal woman??? :shifty: You certainly actually DONT sound like that. Therefore, I have two thoughts, and I dont like either of them.

Night sweats are signs of inflammation and flare, or infection. I said I didnt like either of them and I dont think you do either! Do you have a fever, even a low grade one? Please take your temp every hour or so while you are awake.

Please let your GP and GI know about these things. Do you have an IBD nurse or visiting nurse? What meds are you currently on, including pain killers?
Terriernut-- I'm a 25 y/o male. I've been taking my temp and the highest I've seen is 99.1F... I have a script for Percocet but haven't taken many as the pain hasn't been too bad.

The sweats started in the hospital and I thought they were a side effect to the Dilaudid. Now that I'm home and they're continuing I'm a bit nervous. :( I will call my GI doc Monday morning and let him know whats going on. I'm hoping I don't still have an abscess brewing somewhere.

Thanks for the replies!

Chris...I KNEW you werent a menopausal female...cause otherwise, ya'll wouldna asked!!!!

Well...I was right you needed a CT scan..but I hope I'm wrong about about another flare or infection. Or abcess, but...the bad thing with surgeries is you need to keep on top of things. And night sweats in a crohnie arent good. My first signs of something wrong is usually night sweats. Just keep on top of things and tell the Dr's everything...and dont let them dismiss night sweats of that calibre mate. Cause thats not a good sign after surgery.