First of all, I am so thankful for having access to resources such as online forums to vent frustrations and obtain ideas on how to manage such a frustrating disease. I was diagnosed with CD back in 2001 and had an emergency hemi-colo surgery in 2007. Since then I've been on 6-MP and about a year ago started Remicade. About once a month I experience an episode of extreme pain in lower abdominal area. The pain consists of cramping and bloating - feels like a partial blockage and takes a few hours to subside.
Recent MRI shows matting at the connection point between my colon and small intestine. My GI referred me to a colo-rectal surgeon and she suggested surgery.
I'm so stressed. Should I get a second opinion from both another surgeon and another GI doctor? It doesn't appear that the Remicade and 6-MP are working effectively. Do I live with periodic pain?
Blah Blah!
Recent MRI shows matting at the connection point between my colon and small intestine. My GI referred me to a colo-rectal surgeon and she suggested surgery.
I'm so stressed. Should I get a second opinion from both another surgeon and another GI doctor? It doesn't appear that the Remicade and 6-MP are working effectively. Do I live with periodic pain?
Blah Blah!