Thanks. I honestly feel bad sometimes telling people that the meds are helping me so much, because I know others struggle to find something that helps. So I don't want them to get frustrated and feel mad about it. I hate putting all this crap in my body, but am glad it helps.
It seems that Imuran and Remicade success rates seem to be the best out there from the research I have read. I am a avid triathlete, well I race maybe 4/5 olympic distance events a year, so I understand wanting to get back at it. I haven't done any real miles yet, maybe 15 on the bike and 3 mile runs, but I have been able to get back to the gym four days a week and workout. It is winter in Chicago so it isn't killing me. Keep me updated with how things are. Do you have stomach cramps, lots of bathroom breaks, blood, or nighttime bathroom breaks (the worst)? I am still on pred, tapering at 25mg right now. I tried pred, Imuran, asacol after I left the hospital and was right back three weeks later. But like I said after I went on Remicade I have feeling good. I had terrible cramps, blood, nighttime breaks, 20-25 total trips a day for 7 or 8 weeks, and now 2 breaks a day (solid), no blood, no cramps, and eating normal. So it can get better. Keep me posted! Good luck!