Prednisone would be a miracle drug for me if only it didn't make me so NUTS while I'm on it (I'm on it now). I can always rely on it to get me out of big Crohn's trouble, but at a price.
I am on prednisolone rather than prednisone. I have been on prednisolone since oct 10. Just had an increase to 40mg last week and its starting to work its magic. Less bleeding etc etc. Hoping to be able taper soon though.
Aren't you self dosing? You need to see your GI!
Hey diesanduhr,
Are you just taking it for your joint pain? I hope you're not having bowel issues so soon after your resection? Glad it's making you feel better either way .
Wow! That's a lot of meds just so you can take Prednisone. It's awful what it does to us sometimes. I hope your taper goes ok.
Oh, no. I was tapering off of Prednisone after my surgery, and that's when the joint pain got out of control. When I tapered all the way off, it was monstrous! But now it seems to be panning out a bit.
Prednisone would be a miracle drug for me if only it didn't make me so NUTS while I'm on it (I'm on it now). I can always rely on it to get me out of big Crohn's trouble, but at a price.
I've been wondering about this too. Since I've gone down to 15, I've been really tired, nauseous and dizzy. I'm assuming it's the Pred taper. It's hard to know sometimes when you're on more than one med.
I've read in a couple of places that splitting the dose can help with a taper. And also, when you get down to little amounts, taking it every other day.
Yep, bleh is right! I think my blood pressure is low and Dusty reckons it could be the case. It was while I was in hospital. Will ask the IBD nurse about it when I see him on Thursday.
I am on pred now too and was hoping th Dr. would tell me I could continue tapering. I was on 50 to start and was down to 20 when I had my appt. She wants me to stay there till Dec! I have gone back up to 25 cause it seems to be my magic number for pred and will start tapering again end of Nov or early Dec. I get sweats at night and do seem to sweat alot during the day too. I also have bad joint pain, in my knees and hands especially but I thought it was just the Imuran. I really have no idea what symptoms are from what, but hopefully the Imuran will work.
Lydia, I am at 25mg now and I'm starting to feel the manic energy wear off, it's my favorite thing about prednisone because I feel like I can get anything done!
I'm on Prednisolone at the moment (40mg.) Isn't the end product in our system Prednisolone, regardless or whether what was taken was Prednisone or Prednisolone?
I have definitely noticed some wierd stuff going on at the moment. I think I'm getting an obsessive and compulsive disorder like side effect with mine. Last night I was compelled to clean, and didn't stop til 3am. I woke up at 7 this morning. I also found myself taking notes of stuff I usually wouldn't and I'm getting random laughing fits and hyper moments. These tablets are messing with my head!
Totally normal for some people. I started obsessing about dental care, brushing and flossing way more than I ever have. My house was clean, my closets and dressers were all sorted and organized, and I walked the dog, and exercised daily, and I still had energy to pace back and forth. I also had giggle fits and panic attacks.
I have tried to be patient and wait for the Pred to work but I am just not sure now. It seemed that days 3,4,5 and maybe 6 of taking Pred. I felt better...enough to sort of live life as a Mom, Wife, Human but then it seemed like it stopped and now 18 days in I am not sure how much longer I wait for it to help. Has anyone else had Pred help a bit early on and then seem to stop helping??? I am seeing the doc again on Nov 3rd and he wants to put me on Humira and/or 6-MP (I am not sure if he meant both or just one or the both a common way to go?)
Anyone else have a similar situation?
Thanks Diesanduhr, and Suschex glad to hear you're feeling more positive! I haven't been on pred long enough to really gauge its effectiveness, just taking it one day at a time. I know it took me about 2 1/2 weeks before I started feeling better.
I saw the GI today and have officially been diagnosed with Crohns - I'll keep tapering the pred and then hopefully move onto maintenance medication 6 weeks from now. He was very kind and in no hurry to move me on (I'm so used to that with GPs!), and answered all my questions. I've got the number of the IBD nurse, and he also advised that I should find an online Crohns community for support so I was happy to tell him I've found this wonderful place!
It has been a rough day tummy-wise though, I'm so bloated I look like I'm 4 months preggo! I've gone to the bathroom about 10 times but I just don't feel like I've "completed" anything. It's been annoying, but hopefully tomorrow is better. I've started keeping a food diary so hopefully I can get my diet in order and limit these bad days. The GI recommended I stay away from processed food, but that everyone's diet is different (which is the consensus here). I succumbed to temptation and had chocolate yesterday AND today (it was a special fundraising morning tea at work :shifty so I think I know the culprit. Damn!
^ I've heard/experienced the beer gut my 1st time on pred (40mg), im now on my 3rd 'cycle' with 30mg and I am restless, unusually happy and then sometimes just plain depressed . So from what I gather pred has different effects on everyone?
Diesanduhr - Thank you! The doctor also gave me Tramadol for pain and Zofran for nausea...they have helped so very much! I guess after haing this w/o knowing it for so many years I just didn't realize that I was hurting and feeling ill all the time...sounds really stupid saying I know but maybe it makes some sense...
I understand this perfectly. It's like your baseline of pain and nausea you've had for so long you thought it was normal. I thought my symptoms were what everybody had/felt until my GI went "Uh, no."
Has anyone experienced the long term side effects of it? (osteoporosis)
Yep definitely can have different effects on everyone and even different effects on the same people each time they take it or at different doses. It's a fun one!
Hawkeye I'm sorry to hear you're back on it.
How is everyone else doing at the moment?
Has anyone experienced the long term side effects of it? (osteoporosis)
Sorry to hear your experience with pred has been so bad SarahAnne, and its good to vent once and awhile . I haven't really experienced the cold sweats this time around but I sure do have the crazy insomnia. Lol 50 degrees farenheit is like summer to me . I def feel like just giving up and throwing away all my pills away some times, but we just have to keep on truckn! lol
Hi there. I started 30mg on Aug 10. Started tapering on Oct 6 now am at 12.5 mg. My symptoms have been crazy. While on 30mgs I had massive insomnia, leg cramps, lots of chattiness, talked a lot, jitters, heart palpitations, sweats. Since tapering my symptoms are now nauseau, horrible nightmares and leg cramps. Massive charlie horses. I also have dizziness. The insomnia is now gone and I'm mostly dizzy and tired. The pred however has helped my stomach pain incredibly. Feel better soon
Midway through the 30mg taper week. Feeling better, managed to get a short run in this afternoon 2.5 km in 20 min.
Midway through the 30mg taper week. Feeling better, managed to get a short run in this afternoon 2.5 km in 20 min.
I recently bumped back up to 15 mg where I will stay until I return from my vacation as I dont want to flare in Mexico. I have hardly any side effects at this dose and I feel good. The imuran hasnt quite kicked in yet. I am giving it till March before I let my doctor put me on Humira. Even then I might try pentasa to control any breakthrough inflammation in stead of the humira.
5 weeks now on 40 mg and suddenly I feel I could lift the house with one hand and vacuum under it with the other while running in circles...this is so insane! Now I see what the doctor said 5 weeks ago that I would feel better and have tons of energy...holy cow! I guess this means the prednisone is working....finally!!! The good news is that my Humira is on it's way so fingers crossed I can get that going and get off the prednisone...not sure how long I can go 90 miies an hour with my hair on fire!!!
I don't know about you but imuran tappd me out, made me nautious and tired all the time....i couldnt stay up past 10, needless to say im off that now. But just a warning make sure you do your blood tests weekly!