Wow - one perfect BM per day? I am so impressed! I can only dream of that...right now. I am at about 4 or 5 and feel like that is a huge improvement (used to be like 15 or more), They all come pretty close togehter...I still think its because of the stricture I have but doctor doesn't think so...AMP...never heard of that one. My doctor wants me to try Remicaide next. Is AMP like REmicaide or a closer relative to Aza? Did you say 6MP made your bones ache? I thought it was Aza...I take Asacol but I don't think its that since I have taken that for a long time. TOtally can tell the difference from 100 to 150mgs of Aza. Hmmm...will have to check out the AMP now. I wonder why he never mentions Pentassa or any of these other drugs I hear about on here. Is it like just a guess what to mix up and try or do you think they (doctors) have a clue? I really want to think they have some idea of what they are doing!!!