Generally blood means that there's something wrong. Hemorrhoids are a possibility and generally aren't dangerous. There's no harm in calling your doctor's office and letting them know what your current symptoms are (yes I know its the weekend but many doctors do check their messages or have someone else check their messages while they are out for the weekend or if nothing else, at least they will find out first thing Monday morning). Its possible they may be able to see you sooner or may recommend that you go to the ER. Only you and your doctor (if you've been seeing them for a while) knows what's normal for you. Some of us have bleeding and others don't. Some of the ones who do have bleeding would wait for their appointment to tell their doc and some of the ones with bleeding go to the ER right away. I'm one of those who would go to the ER right away because bleeding isn't normal for ME. I generally don't have bleeding hemorrhoids but when I did have bleeding in the past, its because I had open sores in my small intestine which needed to be treated right away. Your GI may order a scope done and may do a med or dosage change when you go to see them next week. Keep in mind though that if you're really worried or even a little worried, you can always go to the ER (generally when in doubt, its a good idea to go anyway to be on the safe side).