The bcir seems like the best solution for me. It's an internal bag the doctors fashion from your intestines. Eventually, as time goes on, it will grow and can hold up to a quart. You just have to wear a patch over the buttonhole opening in your stomach. Unlike with the external bag, you don't have to get to the bathroom before it explodes. You can actually 'hold it' until you can get to a restroom. You empty with a cathedar, which you will not feel.
Go to www.BCIRostomy.com for a more thorough explanation. You can talk to Susan Kay, the R.N. I am going to get my GI doctors to fill out the medical information requirements. They only do this procedure in Florida as far as I know. I live in Alabama so it isn't far for me to get there.
The doctor wants me to try at least one more thing to see if it helps. Paregoric. If not, I will see about the BCIR. I can't live like this and I can't live with a bag because of the allergic reaction to the tape.
Hope the info helps.